have had to change my name need to talk to someone am so dow


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
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Hi there
Firstly forgive me for changing my name but it has to stay hidden in case anyone who knows me reads this. Kina and Rach will know who I am.

My problem is that after 6 years my husband finally agreed to let me have another baby i must admit i had more or less said if you dont i will have to leave you,he then said i cant risk that,I love you and would in fact like another baby (yeah right!) Well we tried starting may and I fell and lost in June,he was totally it's okay we will make another one,as if I had just had a bad hair cut and it will grow back,you know? Well luckily or unluckily (?) i have fell straight away in July and he is like oh well you knew it would happen,I am pleased but scared obviousley. Now the problem is i have understandably been scared of repeated M/C and all he keeps saying is dont be so stupid,we can just make another one don worry about it. Or just shut up your doing my head in,I dont want to talk about a baby that isnt here yet. Now this is the man who totally broke down when I said I was off,what is his game?

I went to the doctors today and he ordered bed-rest completely as i have been spotting and my hubbys reaction,oh right can you take our daughter out tomorrow so she isnt cooped up all day (he is on nights),wtf,what oes he not get?

He thinks i am paranoid and over-reacting to everything,I didnt even tell him about the spotting of blood or the fact that I was in a lot of pain after being dragged around the city for the day wednesday.

Today I got upset because his mother told my mother that she thought i had made june's pregnancy up and didnt m/c and was i really pregnant now? My mum nearly landed her one there and then. My hubby's reaction? Dont slag off my mother (who he reckons normally that he hates). Hubby has said he doesnt want to come to scans and doesnt want to be there for the birth.

Believe it or not apart from the baby situation I couldn't ask for a better Father (to our DD) or husband.

Sorry for going on and on am so confused,hurt,angry and lost and feel like leavin him
:hug: :hug: You poor thing. Don't let the situation stress you out. Hope it all works out :hug: :hug:
babe, its not hard to figure out who you are. :hug:

you really need to relax a bit, i know its easier said than done, i will prob be the same if and when i get pregnant again coz of my misscarriage, but you have to belive things are ok this time.

im sorry your hubby is being such an arse, i think maybe your both under stress, men show it in diffrent ways to us and can be very insensitive.

hopefuly you will get your scan soon so you can relax a bit, please try to take it easy over the weekend and get some rest.

I'm sorry to read your going through this (sorry I can see who it is :oops: ..) I'm also sorry you MIL is such an a** as well as your husband!

MEN! They just have NO idea (most of them) - Mine has no darn idea most of the time either & really it's not because he doesn't its because he chooses to shut down/block it off.

Rest up regardless of what he says & when he is off next sit him down & talk! Try the "I talk first you talk after me".

:hug: :hug:
:hug: hun you need to concentrate on you and the baby and resting now regardless of what he says or anyone else says be firm with everyone and take care of yourself :hug:
im sorry hes being such a ****** and his mother well shove a pee stick up her nose and boot her out :evil: if hubby dont like it tell him he will be next if he dont watch himself :evil:
sorry for rant but im so annoyed for you hun cant believe they are putting you through this :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Thanks peeps :hug:

means a lot to me to have someone on my side.

my mil i think is just being a cow because i think she thinks she will be a babysitter like last timel. when i had my daughter she was 8 weeks old when i had to go back to work and do 6-2,2-10 alternate weeks i didnt want to be full-time but my husband bought a brand new car and guess how we had to pay for it :shock:

I put my foot down this year and am now part-time,I couldnt care less for the lack of income as long as I am happy. he has always had money in his family and been misarable whereas in mine we had nothing but were happy..as a result of all the above i never had any say or control over my life with my DD but now the tables have turned and I am determined to get my life and independence back and prove I can be a good mum ,i have always been a good mum,just busy,busy because of juggling everything to make him and MIL happy.

Sorry for ranting,feel a lot better now,it must be nice for you girls to have partners who are interested.....i got the short straw,lol.

Its ok, mine wasnt bothered either! Still isnt infact! U'll be fine honey just think of u and ur bubba!!

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