Hate the 2 week wait!!!


Feb 2, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum, had to join to check I wasn't the only one that went crazy in the 2 week wait!

Has anyone here used an ovulation test as a pregnancy test? I have heard of people using them to detect pregnancy earlier than a pregnancy test can.

I got a positive result on a CB digital ovulation test on Friday and when I did it on Monday (to see if you detect anything) there was nothing.

Would it be too early to detect anything by then or does anyone know from experience if the would have given me a positive result?

I'm sorry if this question seems silly, this 2 week wait feels like FOREVER!!

Sam xx
Hi Sam and Welcome :)
How many dpo are you?
Hi, thank you ��

Today I think will be my 4th day....

It is our 3rd month of trying (I know that's not long!) but this would be our first.

Sam xx
It will be too early to test hun.
Implantion usually occurs around the 6-10 days after Ov. After implantion will be when your HCG will rise and be detected with a HPT.
Wait a couple more days and test again :)
Good luck and Fx :)
Thank you LittleDalla, I feel better already!!

I'm reading so many different things about how to test/when to test I think my brain is broken a bit!!

Would you recommend an opk to test or just holding on a doing a pregnancy test?

Sam xx
Aw I know how you feel. Curiosity can get the better of you in your 2WW.

I would say a HPT as I am not a 100% sure if the OPK works for everyone.
People can get their BFP as little as 8dpo just depends on your HCG levels if they are high enough. FRER or IC are usually the most sensitive ones to use quite earlier on.
Keep us updated on your journey. :D
I will, think I'm addicted to this forum already!

Thank you for helping to put my mind at rest.

Sam xx

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