has anyones Ebay OPKs test line ever got as dark as controll line??


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hiya girls well i started using opks this month and am due to ovulate very soon
just did an pok and my line is quite dark but not AS dark as controll line
i have read some peoples line never got as dark as controll line i was wondering if anyone had had there test line as dark as controll line on ebay OPks ??
i know its not a possitive untill its as dark....
thank in advance girls any advice would help :)
Can't help you there Hun! Ive never used them before but I got mine delivered today Woohoo!! Gunna go pee on it as soon as I need to go! Xx
i have never used them either, mine are still in post!... but might need your advice when i recieve mine on how it works/results etc...
Mine got LOADS stronger than the control line like dark purple... depends on the person i think xxx
Mine did go as dark as the control line & I'm fairly certain this months has just gone as dark as as well.

The thing I've noticed with the cheapies is that sometimes the control line doesn't seem to go as dark when you get a positive & compare it to others, obviously something to do with the dye.

I think the best way to tell is to do it over a couple of days & then line them up. For me it's obvious because it goes really faint, faint, dark, nonexistant. :)
Hi Linx,
Mine did, they went super dark! For two days I got really dark lines; if you test on the right days it will turn very dark x
Hi ya - mine didn't go as dark as the control line. I was waiting for them to go darker but they didn't.
Hmm, am wondering the same thing...i tested first time every today, and its quite dark but not AS dark as test line...dont know if its a + :s
Mine was really dark, probably as dark as the control line :)
I guess ayeshasi's wondering is still valid... it's not supposed to be considered a +ve until it is at least as dark as the control line (I've had darker) but as it can change so rapidly over one day it's possible that you've just missed the darkest point of the surge.

Did you do one today?


p.s. I was also confused when I saw that this was posted by linxminx as she is almost into Tri-2 now!! :D

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