Has anyone used OPKs during period?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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I know this sounds rediculously stupid........but has anyone peed on opks from the very first day of their period? I always have short periods and I started mine 10 days late, late Saturday morning. Now Monday afternoon they are practically non existent.

I wanted to do a FULL month of opks and said I wouldn't test until CD 10 or thereabouts. I only have a 26 day cycle.

Anyway just for my own records I decided to do a full cycle. So Saturday I peed and got an almost non existent 2nd line. Yesterday was the same. Today I have peed on 2, one at 1.30pm ish and one again about 4.00. I have attached photos. These are way darker than the ones that I done on Saturday and yesterday.

I am only officially CD2? What's going on? Surely I can't be getting a surge already? and if I am it's no wonder I've never caught that egg?

What do you ladies think? Is this still undeniably a negative even though it is darker than the weekends ones? (didn't keep the weekend ones, which I should have. Am keeping these ones from now on though).

liz x (the lines don't look as dark on the photos but they are alot darker than the weekend ones? just doesn't show well in photo?)
I think this is whats happening to me I think I am ovulating way too early than I am "suppoesed" to - just go with it and see how you get on :)

good luck love!
Some women report lines through-out their whole cycle hun!

Keep testing and watch the line, it should get much darker than that

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I agree with carnat - it's too early to ov - probably just a bit of LH in your system. I replied to your other post on the main forum as I have 25 - 26 day cycles too and I start testing on cd6 - that should be fine hon. If it makes you feel better, test before, but it's only when you get a +ive that you need to take action!

Another tip for opks is try using the one step cheapies as they're so cheap you can test several times a day, which is a good idea as you may miss your surge otherwise. (I would have missed my surge one cycle if I hadn't tested several times a day as I got a +ive in the morning and it was gone by early afternoon!)I also use CBFM, so if you don't trust the cheapies, you could confirm it with another opk as you get closer to ov... Good luck! :) xxx
thanks girls, just continuing with once a day just now and will maybe do 2-3 a day nearer CD 8 ish. i am only using ICs just to see how i get on, like i say its more for monitoring purposes then the real serious business begins of keeping track lol


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