opk confusion


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Does anyone have any answers for me on this one?
So this month i started opk and all month i have done one at about 2-3pm but havent got a pos result yet so i gave up aroound day 22 as i though i was one of these ppl opks dont work for. i tested again as i was curious day 28,29 and still a very fait line non no darker than any of the others through out the cycle. I did thing i could of missed between day 22 and 27 but then this morning i got a very dark line, as dark as the control line, the darkest i ever got. I know its best to test between 10 and 4 but i needed to go so i thought i would to see if it made a big differance (this was not the first wee of the morning) For some reason i cant upload pics.
I have a 33day cycle on average so thewitch is due sun 7th i am very confused. Should i test abit later aswell?:eh:
Ok so i have just done a clear blue opk which says you can use it in the morning and i got a smiley face :)
I am still confused as to why i am ovulating so late into my cycle as in 3days before AF is due. Could it be a mistake? :eh:
Well a opk can show as positive, when you are in fact pregnant! this happened with me when I was pregnant with AJ :D
I have just done a clear blue digi preg test and not pregnant :(
So it must be ovulation then? surely if it is then its going to make ttc alot hard if i OV just before AF:confused:
Make sure you don't use fmu and also make sure you avoid liquids for about 3 hours before testing and test at the same time each day. If you are not convinced they are correct start taking your temperature. Your temp will stay pretty consistent until the day after ovulation and then it will peak. Google "BBT" and "fertility charting" and there will be loads of inforamtion. There are very strict rules about when and how to take your temp so follow them closely. If you use OPks and temps you should get a very clear picture of your cycle. good luck xx

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