Has anyone suffering/suffered from a short luteal phase?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey ladies.
Just wondering if anyone has suffered from a short luteal phase or if anyone knows of anybody who has?

What kind of thing can you do to put this right? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Amy xxx
I know a lot of ladies swear by Agnus Castus.

I believe the liquid form is better. You take it each cycle from CD 1 up to ovulation.

I have literally ordered some of this for myself today:thumbup:
Hey thanks for the reply....... do you have a short luteal phase? xx

Fortunately I don't have a short LP, but I have heard stories also that it can bring your ovulation date forward slightly and as I don't ovulate til around about Day 21/22, I though I may as well give it a go.

All I know about LP is that anything less then 10 days is classed as a short one as needs to be more then 10 to support a pregnancy

Really? well i am using a cbfm for the first month and i peaked on days 22 and 23 lol so it is quite late in the cycle like you. But then on day 26-27 i think it was i started getting a browny sustance when i wiped. This only lasted 2-3 days max and wasnt there all the time.

Im just tryin to figure out what it could be. Thanks for all your help. Amy xx
pffft.... well if this was AF im defo not normal. Some ladies say that it couldnt of been AF as it was only brown, No red at all. xx
That's right as brown blood is normally old blood, keep an eye on things as could of just been a bit of random spotting

Hmm.....i really dont know what to think. what would yous think if this was happning t your body lol? xx
Gosh, it's hard to say hun as I have never experienced anything like that.

I think technically once you've got your peak on the CBFM, you can expect to ovulate 12 - 36 hours after that so it could have been a bit of ovulation spotting.

On the other hand, it could be implantation spotting which you would normally expect about a week after ovulation.

I hope it is the latter for you hun.

I always get confused about luteal phase. I think its the time between my ovulation and my period? I have shortish cycles and a very early ovulation so does that mean my luteal is the standard 14 days? It seems to be about 16?
Isnt this to early for implantation?

Yeah Star Fish its the time between ovulation and your next period. Anything under 10 days is classed as a LPD.
I am so baffled by my body at the moment. So strange though with it just been brown and no red.
Amy xxx
hiya...sorry to butt in.....my periods over the last couple of months were very very light and the one in december only lasted for about 5 hours and was just brown...

starfish......your cycle sounds a bit like i mine..i would ov on day 12 and have a 16 day luteal phase
I thought I had short luteal phase. Was spotting from day 21 and then period about day 25, every month. Spoke to doctor about it and went on progesterone supps as meant to extend phase. It did stop the spotting and lengthened cycle BUT totally screwed cycle up. Now thinking I'm ovulating earlier than thought anyway so maybe luteal phase isn't an issue. Came off prog supps.
But that's just me. Progesterone may work for you. There are so many factors though, you may not need it.
Good luck! xx
Hey thanks for all the replys.... Star Fish it wasnt heavy at all, It wasnt there all the time and it was nothing like a period. Im sure i will get sorted, I suppose its just one of these things that your body likes to do lol. Thanks again, Amy xx

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