Has anyone had a spinal before?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I had an emergency section nearly 3yrs ago, I had an epidural but was having strong contractions so didn't feel it. Currently lo is breech so another section might be on the cards. As it would be planned I was told it would probably be done with a spinal and I'm terrified!!

I'm terrified of needles and I'm currently having a panic attack over the very thought!! I'm so scared it's going to be agony!

Please help!!
I had a spinal this time but like you had an epidural the first time during labour. I actually had a bit of trouble getting my spinal in as the spaces in my back are aparantly very tight (i had the same problem with my epidural) and i ended up with and epidural and a spinal!!! but they numb you first so you will hardly feel a thing. if they had not problems getting your epidural in then this will be the same and it will be over quickly. The spinal works really quickly so you'll feel numb almost right away. Try not to worry too much. xxx
Thanks Kay

So they numb you first?? I don't really know much about it, I have tried reading up on it but my anxiety goes nuts just thinking about it. I feel like I'm going to be sick :shock:
awww i know its not nice to think about. they numb u with local anasthetic first which stings a little bit as they give you it but it numbs the area they will put the spinal in. You will only really feel pressure as they put the needle in for the spinal and then you get a warm feeling going down your back and into your legs almost instantly. Then you'll go numb and wont be able to move your legs. I didnt have a great time of it as it took so long to get in but most peoples are really straight forward and nothing to worry about, the way i see it is it has 2 be done and cant hurt as much as pushing the baby out!! x
Tbh I'd rather have a spinal than get blood taken, I've had it a few times and its been easy :)
I had to have a spinal with the birth of my daughter 3 weeks ago as we had to go for emergency forceps - they used the same tube as the epidural (which I'd had a few hours before), so the actual needle going in was just the epidural one - and as others have said, they numb you first so you don't feel the needle that goes into your back other than a bit of pressure!

None of it is much fun - but its so worth it in the end! Good luck, you'll be absolutely fine and just keep focussed on meeting your little one at the end of it all!


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