Epidural vs spinal block.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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I'm doing my birth plan at the mo :smug: although I should be working :oooo:
Anyway, does anyone favour an epidural over spinal block and vice versa?
I don't want to have either of then tbh but if a c-section is needed I will have to make a choice.
Just curious as to what you would chose and why? X
From what I learnt from nct and nhs antenatal I interpreted it as you are offered an epi to help through the general labour etc whereas they put a spinal in as a quick thing before a section if you haven't had an epidural prior to that. Also the epi is given earlier - when you're in pain and then left in - a little tube goes into the spine and is taped onto your shoulder so that it can be topped up if you're having a lengthy labour or turned down if they want you to be able to feel more towards the end so you can feel when you need to push, whereas the spinal is just one injection into your spine and the needle is then out and nothing is left in your back. Don't know if thats any help, I've kinda confused myself but I figured you wouldn't ask for a spinal its just what they use for a quick section delivery. :os
I had an epidural towards the end because Jacob was back to back and I couldn't get him out on my own but it didn't last for long and wore off so I was given a block as they thought I might need a C section, it works great but they only use that if they think you might need an emergency C section and it was horrible after because I couldn't wee and had to have a bag fitted to wee in and it was horrible and sore!
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I had an epi and several top ups but it just didnt work for me at all . The spinal was great as it numbed me very well but wore of nice and quicky afterwards so I could have feeling in my legs . As fot the catheder I didnt notice I was having it put in and it was only a pinch comming out .
From what I learnt from nct and nhs antenatal I interpreted it as you are offered an epi to help through the general labour etc whereas they put a spinal in as a quick thing before a section if you haven't had an epidural prior to that. Also the epi is given earlier - when you're in pain and then left in - a little tube goes into the spine and is taped onto your shoulder so that it can be topped up if you're having a lengthy labour or turned down if they want you to be able to feel more towards the end so you can feel when you need to push, whereas the spinal is just one injection into your spine and the needle is then out and nothing is left in your back. Don't know if thats any help, I've kinda confused myself but I figured you wouldn't ask for a spinal its just what they use for a quick section delivery. :os

this is what we were told as well in NCT. Block is only used if they need you to quickly be numbed, as an epidural can take up to 20 mins to take effect fully. So you dont choose... if u cant cope with pain in normal delivery u get an epi.. for emergency / c=section you have a full block :)
I had an epidural during my induction, they just topped it up when I need a c-section and it worked fine and helped with the pain afterwards, where the spinal would have worn off. But some people want it to ware off it's up to you really.
Thanks girls. It was really for the purposes of a c-section only. I'm hoping I won't need either ultimately cos I hope to deliver naturally. But as always I know the best laid plans can go to shite :lol: I think if its purely for pain relief during a vaginal birth I'd go for the epi, but maybe a block for a section (if they do give me a choice) my mum had surgery which required an epi and they had real problems trying to make it work for her :eh: x
the spinal block goes in deeper than an epi so takes effect better/quicker so thats why its used in a c-section if u havent already had an epidural before hand :)

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