Has anyone had a molar pregnancy and tried again before the 6month wait???


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
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Any storieswould be greatly appreciated, I think im pregnant again before the 6month wait will find out in a week when I attend a scan hope its not bad news. Anyone concieved earlier than advised too?x
Hi Ash,

Sorry this reply is so late, but I'm new to the forum today.
Hopefully you've already had your scan and found out everything is ok, but I just wanted to let you know I'm in the same situation and it's working out well so far.

I was diagnosed with a partial molar at the end of June 2012 at 11weeks pregnant, it was removed by ERPC and I started HCG monitoring at Charing Cross Hospital. My HCG levels fell quickly and stayed down and the senior oncologist said there would be very little risk of a repeat molar if I got pregnant within the six months waiting period.

As it turned out I conceived again on 6th October (three months after molar) without trying/ meaning to! I panicked ALOT, but had scans at 4weeks, 7weeks and 12weeks and the baby is growing fine and no signs of molar cells. The doc at Charing Cross told me ("off the record") that the 6month waiting period is arbitary, and for lots of women it is perfectly safe to get pregnant again before 6months.

Best of luck with everything. Would be nice to hear how your scan went.

Beccasmum81 (15+6 today!).
and I'm sure you already know, but after next babies are born, we have to let our molar pregnancy hospitals (Sheffield or Charing Cross) know that we've had a baby and do around 6weeks of urine testing again. I think this is because there's a very small chance that subsequent pregnancies can cause molar cells that were hidden by the healthy pregnancy to start growing again!

How did ur scan go ash? Just seen this sorry, my friend had a molar and wasn't advised to wait 6 months she was told to try wen she felt she was ready xx
Hi JoJo and becca, I have sent you a private message becca in reply to yours about the molar.

Thanks Jojo, Thats good to hear I guess it depends on the individual and their levels and how long they take to go back down. My scan is monday so will be posting and letting you know how its gone, really hope its good news, not sure how far ill be or if ill even see anything if their is anything to see that is .

Thanks guys xxx
Oh yer it took a while for her levels to go down I think about 4-5 weeks was the same for my mc I was 10 weeks and it took forever for my hcg to reach none preg levels but soon as she got them she started again as did I x

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