Well the surgeon found absolutely nothing wrong during my lap,
which I know should make a normal person pleased but to me it feels like I am back to square one, I was convinced I had endo as my period pains are unbearable and it would have explained the infertility, I mean ive been trying for almost 5 years with my fiance and tried for about 3 yrs with a previous partner yonks ago. What annoyed me tho was that I had a hystereosalpinogram ( flushing dye through the tubes) done about 10 years ago and I was awake at the time and found it was extremely painful but it found everything to be clear, then after the lap the surgeon told me that he didn't check the tubes during the lap as it was on my file that I had that done already, I mean ALOT can happen in ten years!!
Anyway yeah I am abit disheartened at the min as I had read so many good news bfp stories happening after laps and tube flushouts that I really had my hopes up.
Also my lap was done on cd17 and I had a light bleed for a few days later ( was told to expect this ) but my period was due on the cd28 (1st august) and didn't arrive until ten days later, I'm now on cd2 and I've never had a heavier period, very clotty, so it must be making up for the ten days delay. So if you are down for a lap dont expect your period to be regular after, I mean it may be but its okay also if its out of whack for a while.
Also a hot water bottle will be your best friend for the gas shoulder pain after the op, I found the trapped gas pain worse than anything else but its subsides after a few days.