Has anyone experienced this - spotting during cycle (TMI!!)


Feb 19, 2008
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Hi everyone

Wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar to me. Sorry if this is quite long!!

Each month I start spotting around ovulation time and carry on spotting until my period starts. The spotting varies from brown, to pink, to bright red. Generally it's quite light but at times (particularly if i have a bowel movement - TMI sorry!!) then it can be very bright red (dripping into toilet - TMI again!!) and then goes back to being light again.

This has been going on for a couple of years now. It used to be a couple of days mid cycle and has got longer and longer. Changing pill didn't seem to help neither did stopping when we started trying to get pregnant (been trying for over a year).

Have had two ultrasounds. The first was fine (couple of years ago), the second came back indicating polycystic ovaries but all the blood tests i have had are fine.

Just wanted to have a rant really as i never seem to get a satisfactory answer. :wall: Also i wondered if anyone had anything similar and managed to get an explanation.

Thanks, lou
I have had something similar. Over the past two years my periods have changed. On day 21,roughtly, I start spotting. I think maybe it will go away but like you when i go to the loo to do.....things...the spotting becomes heavier and red. My periods also start off lighter and then go very very heavy for 36 hours.

I spoke to the doc and he said lots of women get this...so sorry cant be much help but your not on your own.

Thanks for your reply Sarah

Yep it's definitely frustrating isn't it - particularly that you get your hopes up each time that this month might be different. Glad to know it's not just me though.

I just find it hard that the doc keeps saying that's just how it is for some people - easy to say when it's not you!!! :x

You never know - we might get an explanation one day.
Lou x
I'm the same guys but it's always browny in colour and always about 2-3 days PO.

In fact i only have about a week in my cycle when I'm clear. Am being reffered to gyni clinic so hope to get answers. THink it defo affects my fertility as have been off pill for 2yrs + now :(


Good luck :)

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