anyone suffer pain during ovulation?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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This is my first cycle, and I don't know how long my cycles are so if I'm judging on a 28 day to 30 day cycle I should be ovulating around about now. I've had really painful back ache for about 4 hrs and a little bit of brown spotting. I was wondering if anyone else had experianced anything similar??? I've been doing opk's since cd9 and had no +.

I suffer with ov pain, it willl start with twing when i sit down and then will build until really painful!

I normally get this every month but this month very little pain - i am a little worried that this is a bad sign for this month.

oh well dreaded two week wait for me!

Just a little pain on the side of the ovary that's ovulating. Have you done an opk?
I only noticed once I was TTC but yep I get ovulation pain.

It was actually quite bad (so I am suprised I never noticed before) but I would feel the pain when I was getting out of a chair or sitting down. Also when walking!

OPK's confirmed I was about the ovulate and the pain would be gone within 24 hours of pain starting

I'm on cd17, I had a very faint line on cd16 But I mean very faint. all other opks have been neg. I'm in agony today and it feels like bad period pains and I guess I was looking for a bit of hope but I think I'm just going to have a really shot cycle this time around. I think af is on it's way.
I did it wasnt really bad but I noticed it x
Same as carnat though I only noticed it when I was ttc x
well I thought it was the witch coming for an early visit but she hasn't so now I am hoping it was ovulation, as it should have been around that time anyway, but we'll see.
I used to get sharp pains mostly in right side, pain to the extent I though I had appendicitis and got admitted to hospital! Didn't know what they were up until ttc, then it all made sense and I think cos I know what it is now it doesn't hurt as much. Not sure the Drs ever did fathom out what was wrong with me! Hope you get you're +ve opk soon! Cay xx
I get ov pains. The first time i noticed ov pain was after starting ttc. My pain varies each month, i sometimes get really sharp stabbing pains in 1 side, or what feel very similar to af pains and they last for a few days.

Fingers crossed for you x x x
I get it really quite badly near my ovaries and also my foof can start to ache it almost feels like I’ve been kicked there sometimes...
I have pain similar to period pain for a day and some spotting. The pain will stop and a about an hour later it's not pain more a warmth (only way to explain it) on one side or the other. I usually get a positive OPK about 16 hrs before.
I had really bad pain on right side the month I fell pregnant. Never noticed it before that time. I had been to fertility clinic that month, had internal scan and had been told that I had 2 follicles ready to go :-) that was on the Wednesday. That Saturday nite I was doing bar job and I remember being in so much pain DH offered to finish my shift for me. That was only time I ever noticed pain throughout ttc.
This is my first cycle of TTC and today I feel bloated, have "Period Pain" and have had a little spotting when wiped. I'm on CD11, is that too early to be ovulating? I'm not totally sure of my cycle length as I've never really tracked it, but it should be about 28/30 days as AF always arrives at the end of the month.

I'm not poas yet as we've only just started and I don't want to get too obsessed!! lol
yes I get about 5/6 days before OV really bloated, painful and crampy, infact it feels just like when af is due to arrive, it's very odd!! Since I stopped Breastfeeding 4 mths ago. Think my hormones are a bit over the top at mo, so maybe why I get more symptoms that I remember before....
This is my first cycle of TTC and today I feel bloated, have "Period Pain" and have had a little spotting when wiped. I'm on CD11, is that too early to be ovulating? I'm not totally sure of my cycle length as I've never really tracked it, but it should be about 28/30 days as AF always arrives at the end of the month.

I'm not poas yet as we've only just started and I don't want to get too obsessed!! lol

Sounds similar to what I experienced and I'm really hoping it's ovulation pain as I've been poas since cd9 and still haven't had a positive!
yes I get about 5/6 days before OV really bloated, painful and crampy, infact it feels just like when af is due to arrive, it's very odd!! Since I stopped Breastfeeding 4 mths ago. Think my hormones are a bit over the top at mo, so maybe why I get more symptoms that I remember before....

That would be about right for me then as according to the calculators I should ovulate this weekend.


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