Nightmare cycle!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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Hi ladies,

As you may all know from my other post I ahve been getting positive opk from cd4 expect cd12 were it was neg than from cd 13 postive again. Hpt were also bfn. Bd cd15 and got some bleeding and continued spotting. Now cd 17 still spotting but there is some blood when go I go toilet. There is not enough to fill a pad as a pantyliner seems to be doing fine but there still is red blood. So is this a early af and cycle is just off wack this month and when the hell did I ov.

I need some advice please, as its driving me crazy, I''ve read all about ov spotting, breakthrough, implantation ect ect but this light bleed isn't only when I wipe at times sorry for tmi. I've stopped the Angus/C to see if this is effecting my hormones. I''ve not done opk this morning will prob do one after work. All other testing has been done both am and pm. Grrrrr! All thoughts and advice much needed.
Mmmmm......that's a tricky one & really don't know, which is absolutely no help whatsoever but didn't wanna read & run

I hope your ok & hope one of the girls has a few ideas as to whats happening


Hi Hun,

AF 'always' comes 12-14 days after OV but OV can be anywhere from day 10 to day 30.

It sounds like an early OV and AF is here on time.

Thanks hun I know its a tricky one and prob one that wont be solved. I'm trying to just let this month ride out and then take some steps back next month as its having too much of a impact on me and OH life. TTC is meant to be enjoyed so need to put fun back into the idea. This probably means not actually trying and when it happens it happens I guess.
Your take a 'break' hun then WHAM......your get your :bfp:, sometimes the relaxation can help a lot so I hope that is how things are mean't to be my lovely
Hi Hun,

AF 'always' comes 12-14 days after OV but OV can be anywhere from day 10 to day 30.

It sounds like an early OV and AF is here on time.


Thanks hun, the only confusing thing with that is it would mean I ov'd while on af (cd4)!! Very unsual for me but our bodies do play around and I think more so when ttc.
Most defo, I was only TTC for a few months & it drove me insane & caused sooooooo much stress between me & the OH. Also found that TTC seems to help magnify other problems as well.....grrrr!!!

Well I hope it all sorts itself out for you hun

I think I agree with you that it magnifys other problems, I totally see that happening too. Thanks for the support xx
It worked out best for me as it highlighted the following: things weren't right between me & OH, I have too much debt, our flat is only half way through being redecorated & parts renovated, the OH wasn't sure what was happening with his job & a few other bits as well

So we decided to put TTC on hold & sort things out, we are still young & at a point where we can both say we are really truly happy, it's all indepth on my thread in WTT

You know whats right for you hun

It worked out best for me as it highlighted the following: things weren't right between me & OH, I have too much debt, our flat is only half way through being redecorated & parts renovated, the OH wasn't sure what was happening with his job & a few other bits as well

So we decided to put TTC on hold & sort things out, we are still young & at a point where we can both say we are really truly happy, it's all indepth on my thread in WTT

You know whats right for you hun


Well at least you both have your heads screwed on!! I will check out you thread hun xx
Oh I almost forgot I decided to count cd15 as the first day of af so its in fact cd1 now. now on cd4 but still spotting. I'm going to stop the opk and everything now. last cycle was only 14 days the shortest every in all my history of af. good luck to all you ladies ttc and those waiting for that right moment xx

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