Has anyone else had really early scan?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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As ive just posted on my other thread, ive got a private scan booked for 7pm tonight to find out whats going on,

Just wondering who else has had them at around 6 weeks and what to expect?

They said i may need an internal scan which is fair enough, what sort of details do you get at this early?

Will they just be able to tell me its there and its breathing and thats about it? will they pick up any possible caused for the spotting?

previous experience gratefully received?
Haven't had an early scan, but had an internal before. It's nothing to worry about, just like putting a dildo up there :lol: You get such a better picture with the internal. I had an internal at 11 weeks with James, and the external I had today at 10 weeks was pants in comparison.

I'm sure it will be fine :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
At the stage you are at they will basically just be checking that everythings where it should be, you may see a heartbeat but it still may be too early so try not to panic if you dont. Basically you will just see a blob hehe heres my 7 week scan pic if that helps.... I did have one at 5 weeks but there wasnt much to see so didnt get a piccy....
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/ ... scan-1.jpg

Good luck hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had a scan at 6 weeks. All you can really see is a blob but you should be able to see the heart beating. It will be tiny and show up as white. Although, don't be alarmed if they cannot see it as sometimes they can't thins early on. Good luck xxx
Ive had scans at 4 week,s 5, 6 and 7 weeks. Didnt see a heartbeat til 7 weeks +. All you se is a small white blob, very tiny and nothing distiungishing about it. Nothing exctitng im afraid!
happy_chick said:
At the stage you are at they will basically just be checking that everythings where it should be, you may see a heartbeat but it still may be too early so try not to panic if you dont. Basically you will just see a blob hehe heres my 7 week scan pic if that helps.... I did have one at 5 weeks but there wasnt much to see so didnt get a piccy....
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/ ... scan-1.jpg

Good luck hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

looks much like mine did yesterday!
i had an emergency scan at 6weeks due to bleeding (caused from sex) anyway, they asked if i would mind having a student watch. after reasurring my OH that he wouldnt see anything i agreed.
i think it was only due to the student being there that i found out so much.
they told me baby was 22mm long.
it had come from my right ovary.
the exact date of conception( which was right)
didnt get a pic though.
dont know how they knew all that........ :shock:
Thanks for the replies, im hoping that with it being a private scan that they will give me as much detail as poss,

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