Who else has had an early scan? (7wks ?)


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Hi there
My doc is sending me for an early scan on 3rd September. I will be 7 weeks. Just wondering what i should expect. Will it be a normal scan like what you get at 12 weeks or will baby still be too low to scan me like that. And if it is an internal scan, what should i expect?

It is more a reassurance scan as i have got a really tender tummy low down on one side (no cramps or bleeding tho)

Hi ive had several early scans with previous pregnancys and at 7 wks i got an external scan also at 7 wks you should expect to see yolk sac fetal pole and heartbeat :D
I have also got an early scan with this pregnancy on 28th aug when i should be 7wks 1 day, im getting early scan as ive had two miscarriages this yr. xx
Hi i imagine they will do an internal one.
what to expect with one? well you take your drawers off and cover yourself with a blanket with your thighs on rests on the end of a sitty up bed and they put a condom on what looks like a microphone and they put lube on it and the one i saw had impecable aim, but i admit it was a bit sore as she wasnt gentle putting it in but it was a second of pain
if they check your ovaries then they move it to the side.
Good luck for your scan mummy-d :hug: :hug:

just adding in she'll probably then show you the scans, the screen isnt really that much in view when they do it so probably best to lie back and relax when it's going on. xx
I had an internal scan with ryan at *about* 7 weeks as i was bleeding. as above, i could see the sac and 'yolk' as they call it. and also a heartbeat :hug: good luck
I had early scan with my 2nd baby due to bleeding and pains in belly, all I could see was the sac and tiny heartbeat, very reasurring mind ya :D
i had an early scan just for reassurance as well yesterday and i saw heartbeat and sac up on the screen,

hope goes well for you hun :hug: :hug:
I had an internal early scan, 5 weeks, no heartbeat was noticable, is this normal?
I had a scan at 7 weeks. It was an external one and you couldn't see much but the heartbeat was flashing away which was what I wanted to see. I would advise you to drink as much water as you can though!
I had an early scan at 7 weeks and 4days last week. Was amazing and was just to make sure everything was ok cause i was having pains on the left hand side of my lower tummy.

You can see the picture of what we saw at the bottom :o) xxx
i had an early scan at 5+2 weeks due to bleeding - she did an external scan 1st and could see the baby but then decided to do an internal one to get a closer look, had to empty my bladder for this one which was a relief!! as it was quite early she couldn't clear look for a heartbeat BUT she did explain that this was normal at this stage and not to panic.
I have another on on tuesday to look for development and a heartbeat..i'll be 7+5wks then so she said that we'll be able to see alot more.

my mum works as a receptionist on ultrasound in a different hospital and she gave me a few tips plus the sonographer said my bladder was at the perfect fullness :cheer:
- drink about 1hr before your scan as the fluid has to reach your bladder
- walk around or stand up for gravity to help!!
- i drank about 2pints but guess that depends on your bladder size!!

try not to worry hunni- they know what they're doing and should explain everything they're doing xxx :hug:
Hiya, it will be an internal scan, i had mine at 6wk+6 x x
I've just returned from the hospital...had to have a scan because I've been having a bit of bleeding.

They said I'm about 6 weeks and I had an internal scan. I've always feared having to have one but it was fine, didn't hurt at all, didn't really bother me was just a bit embarassed that's all.

Couldn't see much though just a black dot on the screen.
Hi MummyD,

I went for mine the other day at 6 weeks+ (Standard practise in France). It was an external scan and didn't need to wee as their cameras are newer so not necc. So you should see a little white bean in a black sac with a beating heart. They should measure both bean and sac. My bean was 8mm. Still didn't feel real!
Let me know how it goes and how big your bean is - am curious on the size of peoples beans!!
Hi everyone
Thanks for all your replies. I am prepared now for either an internal or external and will not be as worried i dont think if the heartbeat isnt quite visable.

Timtam will let you know the size of my bean in due course & louise_d....thanks for the tips :dance:

Dont know what i would do without everyone on here....you are all great!!! :cheer: :hug:
I had an external scan at 6 weeks! We could see babs heart beating clearly etc!

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