Early scan tomorrow...question


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I was just wondering to all of you that have had early scans (around 7-8 weeks) was it a normal ultrasound scan or the internal scan. I'm just curious really and want to know what to expect.
I am having an early scan due to some light brown discharge/spotting...they did a test when I went to A&E and it was positive, if i was miscarrying or had missed miscarriage would the test still be positive? I am such a stress-head but I can't help it, I'm wishing today away. x
Hi I had one at 6+3 and it was just a normal abdominal scan. Hope it all goes well x
I had one at 7+1 which was a internal and another a week later at 8+3 which was just a normal abdominal one.

They might try a normal abdominal one first and if they need to get a better picture then they will do internal.

Good luck tomorrow hun, i'm sure it will be fine. i had brown at 9 weeks had another scan and all was well. doc said just some leftover implantation working its way out.

Are you still having it? xxx
I have had it a couple more times, once after a bowel movement (TMI, sorry) and it was a bit like egg white mucus but brownish. And since its just when I wipe occasionally and its more that the tissue has a slight brown colour rather than actual discharge. I am driving myself crazy, just want it to be ok xx
:hugs: its nerve wracking hun i know but at least tomorrow you can hopefully stop worrying and enjoy the rest of tri1 :hugs:

Will be thinking of you. xx
I had one at 6 weeks that was internal and abdominal. They might do internal just because they can see much more that way this early. Good luck! I hope all is well with your LO! Xx
Hi hun, when i had a mc they did a test at hosp and it still came up pos, this is due to the hormones in your body, however what your having doesnt sound like a mc, the blood would either be red from the start or turn red very quicky, my bleeding got worse over the course of a couple of days. I have had some brown a few weeks ago and everything was fine on a scan. It could just be implantation. Some ladies just bleed theough pregnancy anyway. They could do an internal so they can get a clearer picture of baby. Good luck but it sounds fine anyway. Bring us back a piccy xxx
Hi all
Thanks so much for your kind words.
I have had a little red blood but not much. I went for my scan today and all is good, bubba is in the right place with a good heartbeat. It was amazing. She seems to think I am 6 weeks 3 days (my calculations by LMP is almost 8 weeks) but I thought you'd only see a sack at 6 weeks. There was a little bean moving around a bit. I guess i will know more soon xx just glad my beanie is in there with a lovely little hear beating :) x
Brown is better than red. Well that's what a lot of the girls on here told me.
When I had my 8wk scan, it was internal, wasn't horrible or anything, just one of those things we now have to get used to, people poking around down there.
Brown is better than red. Well that's what a lot of the girls on here told me.
When I had my 8wk scan, it was internal, wasn't horrible or anything, just one of those things we now have to get used to, people poking around down there.

By the time we have our babies half of the nhs will have had a look lol. Lets just all pray for a midwife who doesn't have hands the size of dinner plates xxxxxxxxx

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