I wanted to give you a slightly different perspective, which may read horribly at first, but I hope helps
- I was massively 'prepared' (ha!) for labour and delivery; I'd been taking all the supplements, doing all the hypnobirthing and breathing techniques; I'd practised daily for months beforehand, perennial massaged several times a day to reduce the risk of tearing etc, got my TENS ready, even had aromatherapy massage oils ready for hubby to use on my back in labour...... I was 100% ready.
And then I went into labour, the sh*t hit the fan and NOTHING went as I had a) planned or b) hoped. But you know what??? It was all absolutely, 100% completely and utterly fine. I felt the same as you about the epidural beforehand, and have to say for me, it was the best thing that happened to me on the day; it was FAB! I couldn't feel it going in at all, and was totally in control of my pain for the rest of the day; I could move my legs etc and it was bliss. The complications I had with the actual delivery part were not related to the epidural; they were just the way things were; I was terrified of forceps and tearing and did literally everything I could do in advance to prevent (perennial massage, EPO supplements, even used an EPI NO trainer! Google it!) and I ended up with forceps, episiotomy and 3rd degree tearing. Again, it was all, 100%, absolutely fine; when I was in theatre being poked, prodded etc. despite things on paper sounding hairy, there was so much calm, control and just amazing support from all the midwives, obstetricians etc. Any 'trauma' from delivery was swiftly healed (I cannot emphasise enough the importance of doing your pelvic floor exercises!!) and it's only now as I approach delivery again I am scared of risking longer term damage if I had the same tearing; however, the prospect of birth/delivery itself isn't what frightens me in the slightest; having had an on-paper tough time of it first time round, I can honestly, hand on heart look back on it and say 'well, it might not have gone to plan but there was nothing to fear after all!!'
At the end of your day hun, I am a believer that when it comes to labour, like many things to do with Mummyhood, it's all down to total, and utter, luck. Things will happen the way are meant to, and my only advice would be put no pressure on yourself AT ALL about what you will/won't do. Keep an open mind. Assume nothing and remember there are no medals for doing it 'au naturel' if you feel like you're dying! No one is going to pretend that it's fun; it's not, and you must remember to be kind to yourself first and foremost rather than insist on sticking to pre-conceived ideas you may have had before you were in the throes of labour
Listen to your midwife; I may have been super lucky but mine was incredible.......I will never ever forget that lady for as long as I live.
It will all be absolutely fine