Harrison got his santa letter yesterday morning


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Awwww you should have seen his face when he came home from school and saw that letter waiting for him, it was sheer excitment.
The best £3.99 i have ever spent.

It even had the north pole stamp on it, because him being to clever would have checked that....lol, he couldn't believe how santa knew all this stuff about him and what colour his front door was.

He's taken it to school today and gone round every kid in the playground this morning...lol

I'd recommend then to every young believer of santa
I did this for our daughter last year, she was also over the moon with the letter. it was lovely seeing her face, she also couldn't believe how he knew the colour of the door and the name of her pets and best friend!

Souns liek we got it from the same place.

I have done it this year too but it isnt being delivered untill the 21st as she has been a little naughty so we thought we would make her wait for it! She keeps saying "santa hasn't wrote back yet mum" and i say well he wont write back if ur misbehaving will he? I told her that he's probably writing letters to the children that are on the nice list first and then he will do the letter for the children that are on the naugty list! Im a wicked mummy i know, but it seems to be working :rotfl:
hahahaha, i never thought of that.

Well after harrison had read his he was the politest little boy ever, even going up to bed with no fuss cuz he thinks he's being watched by santa now. Lets see how long i can bribe him to be good with this....lol
we had already sent her a letter saying that santa is disapointed because of the way she has been behaving. I dont think it does any harm it's working anyway

Brooke has got to the stage where she is 7 going on 17 she has an attitude of a teenager and shes always anwering back an trying to have the last say. It's driving me and DH crazy, but since we wrote the letter from santa she has calmed down a lot!

Im sure she will be the same as harrison when she gets her letter :rotfl:
awww thats so sweet i cant wait till bray is older so he can have one and understand it lol
we forgot to do the santa letter last year, so we came up with something else.......

You know if you send a text to a landline, the landline with get a message on 1571 with an automated voice, reading the message? Well last year the voice was like a kindly old mans voice (like santa!) So i texted our house phone with a message going "hello Bethany, i hope youve been a good girl this year..." blah blah blah. And she loved it! She was (and still is ) convinced it was him. And at the end id put "bye bye bethany, i love you" And everytime she listened to it shed say "i love you too" :cry: Aww, it was so cute. Im not sure what voice theyve got on it now though :think: But she was so chufed with it :D
How do you do a Santa letter? I have never heard of this before...


I got brooke's from this website. the last day the they deliver on is the 21st so you still have time. they letter is brill, you can choose from about 5 different letters
Thanx girls, its a lovely idea, especially for a little lad who is beginning to question the whole thing....


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