Parents Evening


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Me and OH went to parents evening last night and were a little disappointed, not with Harrison but the way the teacher didn't really want to tell us anything she thought was BAD.

All she did was praise me on harrison's progress and how good with general knowledge he is, and the things he knows about at his age amazes her. BUT when i looked through his spelling book, he is getting his tests wrong every week despite me learning him a new word everynight and sitting with homework everynight. Also we noticed his scores compared to the others in the class, his were 84 and other were getting 100's, i asked and she said because hes younger that he will catch up soon, but i feel like im a failure and i'm doing something wrong.
Harrison has always amazed me and all my family how clever he is and smart, but i guess on paper it doesn't look like that.

I don't know what to think, i'm a little shocked at seeing the test scores as i thought he was doing really well at school, the teacher doesn't think it is anything to be concerned about and says maybe he will be one of the children that just catch up all of a sudden???

I feel like im the one failing him, but all my time and effort goes into learning harrison new things.
was it just spelling tests? My DS is appalling at spelling and handwriting. He seemed slow at reading when he was at about Harrison's age. I was fantastic at reading at his age - reading age of 14 (highest it goes) at 9.

I wondered if it was all going to waste - then he started maths and eventually IT and science and :shock:

He's gifted and talented in those subjects, and he's still awful at spelling :? but he had a reading age of 14 by the time he was 11 - it just came overnight.

If the teacher was concerned she would say. It's normal for children to develop at different rates and she knows that. You only know this one child, she's seen 100s. Little boys have a tendency to develop slower than girls at the beginning of primary school - something to do with more of them being kinasthetic learners - learn through doing rather then reading, seeing or hearing.

They soon catch up. I honestly wouldn't worry, focus on what he can do rather than what he can't and don't compare him to other children. Some will always do better and some will always do worse. You just may not have found Harrisons talent yet- but its there :hug:
Hunny, relax! Harrison is six, he wont be going to university for a while yet! He is doing really well, and it is not kind to compare kids' work at this age, when a difference of a few weeks is huge. 84% is well above average, ignore the fact that some of the others have 100%, it is irrelevant. The fact that his teacher is pleased with his progress should be the best indicator for you that he is doing fine. Maybe he isnt the brightest child in the class, maybe he is; it is far too early to tell. On the other hand, if he is actually doing spelling tests at this age, it is very advanced compared to other school systems where they are just learning the basic writing shapes.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

MissSara said:
Me and OH went to parents evening last night and were a little disappointed, not with Harrison but the way the teacher didn't really want to tell us anything she thought was BAD.

All she did was praise me on harrison's progress and how good with general knowledge he is, and the things he knows about at his age amazes her. BUT when i looked through his spelling book, he is getting his tests wrong every week despite me learning him a new word everynight and sitting with homework everynight. Also we noticed his scores compared to the others in the class, his were 84 and other were getting 100's, i asked and she said because hes younger that he will catch up soon, but i feel like im a failure and i'm doing something wrong.
Harrison has always amazed me and all my family how clever he is and smart, but i guess on paper it doesn't look like that.

I don't know what to think, i'm a little shocked at seeing the test scores as i thought he was doing really well at school, the teacher doesn't think it is anything to be concerned about and says maybe he will be one of the children that just catch up all of a sudden???

I feel like im the one failing him, but all my time and effort goes into learning harrison new things.

aww try not to compare your son with other children. Take him as an individual.
my 5 year old is really 'slower' than the other kids in her class (shes in reception). Some are reading already where as Bethany is still learning her sounds and key words. Because ive got older kids i know that she will catch up though. Bethany may not be that good at the moment at her reading but shes fandabbydozy at drawing and sport.
Perhaps harrison is excelling at other things and not the tests at the moment. At 6 they are still really young.
My son is briliant(blowing own trumpet) accademically wheras Bris son is not, he excels in creativity, it pisses me off that the school really doesnt recognise this and only grades highly Maths English etc. The most highly paid people in this country are creatives yet the school in my opinion stifles this development
Aww don't worry Sara! I'm sure if he was behind the teachers would definitely have felt it important to raise the issue, and 84 compared to 100 isn't that bad at all? :think:

I was always very good at English, but was terrible at Maths & Science, yet my brother was awful at English (honestly, he can't spell a thing!) but he was brilliant at Science and not too bad at Maths.

You usually find that for some reason? :think: Maybe he'll be a Maths & Science genius!! I heard one of the most famous Scientists had dyslexia! xx

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