Harley and Diors new bedrooms *pics*

Snap! Im doing a underwater themed room for Noah once we move and a jungle themed one for the baby.

Have you looked at all the accesories you can get from ikea? check out the website, they do blue bubbles you can hang over the windows, and little blue tables and chairs with crab seat cushions and fish rugs and everything!
ooh ooh cat i saw those, i want the surfboard rug for alex! :cheer:

i have the cutest seahorse wooden hight chart in alex's room. and his toy box is a tresure chest! also have a lighthouse clock! his room is more seaside than under the sea!

have a look on the ikea website hun.

will put some pis of alex's stuff when i get home if you like. his height chart is my fave! he has a lovely sea animal mobile too!
wow that looks great..well done hun! you done a great job!!
i wanna see Diors now..lol
i no lol sorry i keep meaning to take a pic of her room, but my phone is buggered. Dior has throw it down the loo to many times now lol so i need kris to find the digital cam out the garage... im scared of the spiders :roll:

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