someone's watching over Harley

Dionne I didn't notice anything at all wrong with Harley's head at all. It sounds awful but since Ella's problem with her head I find myself looking at other babies heads aswell :oops:

Her flatness was on one side of her head which was caused by her neck muscle being too tight so she couldn't turn properly. Since she had physio it's so much better!
Can you see in this pic that the left hand side of her face is bigger and swollen? That's because as her head got flatter on the side it pushed her face forwards, which made her eyes look lopsided aswell. Now she's sat up more and rarely spends anytime on her back it is a lot better.


The nest should help, also avoiding the amount of time he spends on his back but I know that's hard. We found it very difficult keeping Ella off her back.
ahhh right i was looking t the back of her head. Harleys aint bad but it looked a tiny bit flat a few weeks ago but i think it might be getting worse he is small so im sure it can be easily recorrected will the sleepcurve mattress be better? or should i go with the cheaper option the pillow? i dont mind the cost as long as it stops it getting worse :)
Poor you and Harley , you must have been so scared, it's weird how this things happen isn't it? he must deff have a guardien angel

Jack had a flat head for ages, i was getting really worried about it, but now he is on the move and rolls over in bed it is barley noticable now, i also moved him in his cot, because with landing light o he seemed to sleep turned towards it so i slept him in the 'wrong end of the cot' if you see what i mean

:hug: glad you both ok :hug:
Wow that must have been scary! I think it's comforting to think that someone is looking over our kids! I'd love to know if someone was looking over my son. We went to my dh's dad's grave yesterday and Aaron was the happiest I have seen him for ages! He hates sitting for long in his pushchair but he sat for an hour just smiling while we cleaned it which I thought was strange! So maybe he's looking over Aaron, I'd like to think so!

Glad Harley is ok hun!
I didnt rate the pillow, Rebecca is a wriggler and kept rolling off it! She still is a wee bit flat, but it's got soo much better. rectifying itself i think! :wink:
How frightening ! that is very freaky.

I have removed Aimee's cushion from her cot after reading this!

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