My new house... (pics)

I am SOOOO jealous - my house is a tiny crappy dump compared to that! (compared to anything actually lol)
dionne - i think you have a great taste in houses/decoration..i wish my house was as nice as that. :|
whats the big long brown thing on the wall zoe?
looks like an upright radiator to me.
wow thats stunning hun!!!!!!

we have the same fridge freezer lol :)

wow hun ur house is gorgous wen i get my USB lead ill post some pics of my house
ZOE your house is lovely, there is so much more ild love to do but we dont own the house :(

ild love to have my tv sunk into the wall but i cant :(

Kris loves the lamp in your living room, i love your bedroom, its mad how mahogany has come back round. really want to put wall paper up, but it just wrecks the walls when i decide i dont want wall paper any more
ooooooooooo my house looks crappy compared to yours, its all standard magnolia walls and cream carpets! damn rented eh, cant wait for daddy to pull his finger outa his arse and buy me a house!!! i can put my stamp on it then :D
I guess that's house is the crappest piece of Sh*t you'll ever see...but it's my own so I can't complain. (well I bloody CAN complain but you know what I mean lol).
Still....if renting means you get gorgeous houses like that, why aren't I frigging renting? lol!
it going to kill me when we buy a house il be paying out £900 a month on a mortgage for a dump. iv been spoilt with new houses i could never afford one so when i do by one il have to get a ex concil house or some thing
I'm lucky, my mam bought me my house. It was only £24,500 at the time. Now it's worth about £75,000 as house prices shot up so much.
Dionne your house is gorgeous...Love Dior's room, its beautiful....I have twigs n candles of every size everywhere but my kitten keeps trying to eat my twigs...and she chases the stones out of my candle gardens and they end up everywhere... :lol:
mum2bclaire said:
....I have twigs n candles of every size everywhere but my kitten keeps trying to eat my twigs...and she chases the stones out of my candle gardens and they end up everywhere... :lol:
lol your kitten sounds just like Dior :rotfl:

Dior sits sorting the stones all day :lol:
Maybe Dior should get together with my kitten....sounds like they'd have great fun.... :lol:

Your houses are gorgeous were renting a townhouse , apartment and its crap i hate it i cannot wait till we can buy a place and do as we wish
awww dionne it all looks fantastic hun :clap: :clap: :clap: xxx

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