Hard Decision

Hi Honey,

I can't believe I missed this thread, you poor thing, what a week you are having! Well done for standing up to an abusive partner, that takes such courage!

It also takes real courage to talk so honestly about how you were feeling with regards to your pregnancy. I am so glad you got some counselling...it was a very hard decision to make.

I believe you have made a good decision (although I would have supported you whole heartedly in any decision you had to make) You know what it means to be a loving, caring parent. You protected your daughter from having to live with an abusive adult. Your baby will grow to be a wonderful child because you are it's mother and will do what is right for your child.

Lots of hugs :hug:
I cried when I read your thread. I am so glad you have decided to keep your baby and think you are both strong and brave. Well done you for ending the relationship what a fantastic example for your daughter showing her that she should not allow any man to treat her like that either. I also think you will make a fantastic mother. I hope you plan on staying with us for the rest of the pregnancy journey and beyond :hug:
Mezzie I am delighted you have made the decision to carry on with your pregnancy I am sure its all still very hard and raw for you but I do believe you had made the right decision to go it alone.

The very best wishes to you and your children I hope things start looking up for you now.
:hug: im so pleased you have made this decision, and anytime you want to talk or just let off steam you know where we are :hug:
I'm so glad you didn't go through with it hun. :)
I wouldn't have said anything because it would have been your choice and I wouldn't have wanted to upset you but the thought of ending a pregnancy at that stage has always made me feel slighly quesy.
I'm glad you thought better of it though.
I know it'll be hard for you and please don't rule out adoption 100% if you feel you really can't cope things have changed a lot in 50 years. :hug:
Just read through this whole post and I really feel for you, having gone through a lot of stuff with ex partners, and having depression myself anyway. I'm glad you managed to come to a decision you feel comfortable with, I'm sure you will make a great mom to the new arrival. If you ever need anyone to talk to just drop me a PM, or chat to anyone on here, it's such a lovely group. x

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