happy to be getting fatter!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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Funny how this is the one time in your life you don't mind to get a bigger tummy? :)

According to my scales i'm the same weight as last week but i've acquired an extra bulge around the middle & my undies (which put up with me being 3kg heavier in january) are starting to dig into my middle. Had really bad bloating the other night too.

How are other ppl's middles coming along? Anyone gonna post any bump pics any time soon?

I lost 20lbs between Feb - June 2011 and got myself back down to 8st.

I also gave up smoking and went through 3 miscarriages without gaining anything :shock:

I did put on a few lbs in the winter (as I normally do) but since my BFP I've already put on 3lbs... That is almost 1lb a week!

I am not going to weigh myself anymore.... I know of course I am going to gain weight but not this much this early?? :shock:

I know I sound ungrateful and I am not, BUT a massive weight gain does put you at higher risk of gestational diabetes, plus it can lead to high BP (I have a BP phobia so it's normally on the high side anyway!)

I just don't want to sink into the trap of being pregnant = eating crap for 8 months!!

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I completely agree! The one time in my life where I've been hoping my tummy will be bigger the next day! I definitely have a little bump going on, haven't taken any pictures yet but think I need to start soon, will be lovely to look back on seeing me getting bigger as the weeks go on. We'll all definitely need to share girls!

Ooh claire would love to see how you're getting on :)

I've been taking photos every week since about week 5 and will post em once i can see some difference :)

One cheeky reason amongst many about wanting an obvious bump is so i look a more deserving candidate for a seat on the tube/public transport ;) lol
I haven't been weighing myself but my pants are a bit looser. I've eaten a lot less since the ms kicked in. Can't wait to get a real bump x
Hi carnat,

Well i can't explain your weight gain but this pregnancy doesn't sound like the previous 3 which must be a good thing, and you're still v light and far off experiencing any weight-related probs i'd have thought

Agree there's no excuse to pig out but also no reason not to enjoy a reminder that your little one is growing fast away in there :)

Hi carnat,

Well i can't explain your weight gain but this pregnancy doesn't sound like the previous 3 which must be a good thing, and you're still v light and far off experiencing any weight-related probs i'd have thought

Agree there's no excuse to pig out but also no reason not to enjoy a reminder that your little one is growing fast away in there :)


I was on a 1200 calorie a day diet for a while before getting my BFP (I'd eat more when I exercised) but I'd not been following it all that strictly so since December I'd gained 5lbs any way!

I eat what I fancy when I fancy, I am not denying myself anything - and I am certainly not calorie counting - but at the moment I just fancy crap LOL!!

Gaining weight is the least of my worries and I'd gain 5 stone if that is what my bean needs BUT as I say I do want to keep my diet as varied and as healthy as possible!

Wish I was fancying fruit and veg LOL

I haven't been weighing myself but my pants are a bit looser. I've eaten a lot less since the ms kicked in. Can't wait to get a real bump x

Can I say cloud/silver lining without you punching me in the face? ;)

Hope your MS is over soon... and tell us about your bump when it arrives :)
Hahaha I know what you mean. I'm starting to gradually feel better now so I'm sure the bulge isn't far away x
Hey Carnat, I was also eating a net 1000-1200 kcal when I got my bfp... and I seem to be in the same boat as you regards food now!

With this pregnancy, eating seems to take away the (mild) nausea so I'm wolfing stuff down, and that includes unhealthy snacks, doh!

Whereas in my last one the idea of eating anything except fruit made me feel queasy and so I barely ate anything.

Altho that may have been healthier, I think I prefer this time round :) *munch*
I never went longer than a week of knowing I was preggers and having a bleed so this is a novelty for me and I am going with eveything I feel LOL!

I have been feeling quite sick late afternoon / evening and I also find eating helps... Although it's usually a bag of crisps that I reach for...

I was a bit better today but then had a massive dinner :eh:

I am going to listen to my body for the time being BUT I do have a tendency to be quite greedy when I let myself eat what I want :shock:

It's a weird feeling isn't it?

This is first time I've not been constantly bothered by calories and how much I've burned off in about ten years!

I did eat pretty healthily before I got pregnant, but now I just don't fancy the good stuff I used to love, like greens, nuts, brown rice etc. The only thing I really enjoy at the moment is crisp sandwiches (especially Seabrooks Canadian Ham flavour). They've been on wholemeal bread with olive oil spread, but I still feel really bad, because I wouldn't have eaten that kind of junk before, but now that it's about more than just me then I am doing. I guess should count myself lucky that I'm able to keep food down at all!

I have gone from healthy eating exercise addict to junk food laziness!! I cant stop eating and it's not my normal healthy stuff. Am still suffering with nausea but the eating seems to help! Hoping I feel well enough to get back to the gym soon as I not only have a little baby bump but increased wobbly bits which is not good!!! Lol

Enjoy the indulging ladies :)
Ooh claire would love to see how you're getting on :)

I've been taking photos every week since about week 5 and will post em once i can see some difference :)

One cheeky reason amongst many about wanting an obvious bump is so i look a more deserving candidate for a seat on the tube/public transport ;) lol

:lol: I can't wait to get on a bus and have someone (hopefully) give up their seat for me! It's so mad seeing my body change, really amazes me! Definitely going to take a picture tomorrow and get documenting this bump :) i've even got a lovely round face going on, no hiding my pregnancy at all! Xx
Don't get me wrong, I cannot wait for a bump - God willing !!

I just don't want to get fat at 8 weeks :shock:

I was reading today that a larger belly around 8 weeks can be due to water retention so i guess it's not all bad :)

But by 12 weeks the uterus has really started to grow... So exciting! :)
It is so exciting tinselcat :D how is your bump coming along? I have noticed my uterus growing (I can now feel it at the lower part of my stomach, really firm compared to the rest of my tummy!) and I used a doppler yesterday and found babys heartbeat and was surprised how high up it was! xx
Hey claire, it's cool you can already feel a firm bump! :). Pics, we want pics ;)

I'm 3 weeks behind you and all i can grab at the moment is fat (and lots of it) but it wasn't there a week ago at the same weight so it must be baby-related right? :)
Ms_dove & island_girl i'm sure you'll get back into your healthy routines when your body wants you to :) have heard before that you crave what you don't have enough of so perhaps ham crisps have some innate minerals your body is lacking :D

Twice in 2 days my husband has tried to get me to eat green things (sugar snap peas & curly kale) and two days running i've been running for the bin choking it back up. Oh well! This will surely pass :D

Ms_dove & island_girl i'm sure you'll get back into your healthy routines when your body wants you to :) have heard before that you crave what you don't have enough of so perhaps ham crisps have some innate minerals your body is lacking :D

Twice in 2 days my husband has tried to get me to eat green things (sugar snap peas & curly kale) and two days running i've been running for the bin choking it back up. Oh well! This will surely pass :D


Sorry to hear that you've been so sick. I've found I can have the greens if I make soup from them and have it with bread. Broccoli works quite well, and it's nearly asparagus season!

I like your idea about the crisps. I suppose potatoes are a good source of vitamin c, and sunflower oil is pretty good too!


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