half way today!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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wow i can't believe it!!
seeing the mw later too- my asthma has been really bad so i guess i need to discuss with her

i got my date for my 24week scan also which is internal to assess my risk of prematurity- does anyone else have this- i know some areas dont...
does anyone know if u get to see the baby again or if its a quick cervix check??

can't believe iv got this far :)
:cheer: yaaay! congratulations.xx
nope, ive not heard of a 24 wk prem scan hun but if you do get to see baby again im jealous!!! lol. (only 10 days until my 4d!)
congrats on half way mark feels so good doesnt it :)

dont worry about 24 week one, depends on hospital, your lucky :) get to see bubs again xx
YAY congrats on 20 week hun - doesnt it feel fab??? :D :cheer:

not sure about the 24wk scan :think: i have never heard of it before, im sure it'll be fine though and hopefully you will get to see baby again :D
YAY congrats on 20 week hun - doesnt it feel fab??? :D :cheer:

not sure about the 24wk scan :think: i have never heard of it before, im sure it'll be fine though and hopefully you will get to see baby again :D
Congrats! :) It feels fab hitting the half way stage!!
The scan is done around 20-24 week mark depends on where you are living i think! I had mine done at 21 weeks but i did not have an internal examination. All the best though!
gerb said:
wow i can't believe it!!
seeing the mw later too- my asthma has been really bad so i guess i need to discuss with her

i got my date for my 24week scan also which is internal to assess my risk of prematurity- does anyone else have this- i know some areas dont...
does anyone know if u get to see the baby again or if its a quick cervix check??

can't believe iv got this far :)

At last someone else has been offered a pre-term scan lol, i wrote about this before. I had mine last friday, it was fine doesnt hurt i was only in there about 10- 15 mins they talk you through it all and tell you whilst your there if you have a high or low risk. Mine was very low risk which is great, you'll probably see the screen and at the end they showed me the baby for a few minutes, could only see his head and his ear but was lovely to see him quickly!! Also Congrats on your half way milestone!! :cheer: x
thanx girls

missy ree im glad ill get another sneaky peek at our little princess! hopefully can book our 4d a bit later so i can keep exciting events coming!!
:hug: Its exciting getting to see our LO's even if its only for a few minutes isnt it, makes the fact its an internal worth it just for those few minutes of hopefully seeing LO!! I have a 4D scan next week, cant wait!! Been counting down the days since i booked it a few weeks ago, its nice to have another scan to look forward to :cheer: x

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