Hair falling out


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Kynons lovely hair is falling out, it's getting thinner esp on top, he will look funny with hair at the sides and back but not on top, like an old man! Think its going blonde too, which makes sense as both me and hubby are naturally blonde (I dye mine black!). Plus my hair is also falling out loads which is driving me mad as because it is really long and black I'm finding it every where. Is this all normal? My DD was a baldy until she was about 3!
Tyler's loosing his top hair already and I think MrsMc's boy Orlando is too!

I thought it would b at the back where they lie down and didn't expect Kynons to fall out now he's 4 months

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Had the same with lo and i am so going to clog the drains woth mine!

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Owens lost quite a bit of hair! Especially at the back where sleeps on it :/
this is before

This is now!
Tegan also went bald on top! 15months later poor little girl still doesn't have much hair Xx
My daughter went bald at 4 months. She was born with loads of hair that everyone said would fall out. It didn't and I thought we had passed the point it would. Then it all fell out within a couple of weeks at about 4 months. It grew back quickly though! X
Ah bless them, you imagine it would come out before four months if it's going to! Wonder why it falls out?
j' didnt fall out but mine did. Terribly i had bald patches everywhere and couldnt tie my hair up as my hair line had massively receeded. Its all pretty much back now, well its growing ...... x
emma has a little mullet (pronouced moo-lay '12) its funny - i have such dark hair, her first hair was really dark now it is growing in blonde, makes her moustashe at the back look quite ridiculus, bless.

my hair fall peaked at 4 months but now seems to have died down, my OH makes me brush my hair over the bin!
Jack had long dark spiky hair when he was born, some of it fell out over the first few months and now he has lots of barbie blonde hair!!

Mine fell out loads too and is now growing back around the front of my hair line which is very annoying having spiky fluff everywhere! lol x
Cam's is going very thin on top as well - like a little old man bless him. His hair was quite dark when he was born which surprised me as o/h and I are both fair - I think he'll go blonde as he's literally got white eyebrows lol!
My hair seems ok thankfully. Normally it's terrible for falling out but having a baby seems to have stopped it :good: my friend's hair fell out in clumps but it did stop after a few months x
Kynon has really fair eyebrows too, he's def getting lighter bit reddy too! My hair is horrible hope it stops coming out soon!

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