Had unexpected first scan this morning!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Sorry I've been fairly quiet on here since finding out I was PG two weeks ago - had a bit of a crappy time and it's hard to get too excited just at the moment.

8 days ago I started with 5 days of brown spotting, then it disappeared until yesterday when I had a little more (just once when I went to the loo) and then nothing all day.

This morning I was stood at the bathroom mirror and oh dear - a load of fresh blood (all I can say is, thank god for tiled floors :oops: ). It was really watery in consistency, but really dark red in colour. I went to the loo. Then the next time I went, nothing! Clear as anything (and thankfully I've not had any more all day) but anyway I headed up the EPFAU (they keep changing their name - now they are called the 'Early Pregnancy & Foetal Assessment Unit').

They did a scan and found five things: a sac, a yolk, a cyst, a clot and a fibroid! Was very surprised to see the sac and the yolk - I suppose I was just expecting the worst, ie nothing there - so very pleased about that.

She thinks this morning's bleed was caused by the clot - she pointed it out on the screen, it was next to the pregnancy sac but she said they are fairly common and nothing to worry about. She said I might have more bleeding, but anything that's left in it might just re-absorb back into my body instead.

She then said she thought she saw a cyst next to one of my ovaries, but she also said it could just be where the egg was released, and so it might not actually be a cyst. And the fibroid, well, I knew about that anyway so that didn't come as any surprise.

So - next scan next Monday, when I'll be 6w 5d. She said all being well we should see the heartbeat, so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed all week! :pray:
My goodness, im so glad they found the sac, how frightening for you.
Certainly will be keeping fingers crossed.
Sorry to hear about your scare but great news that you could see the sac and the yolk! I'm sure you'll see the heartbeat next time and then you'll be able to relax a bit :hug: [/list]
Phew Laura I have been worried.

Fingers crossed

Glad that your bub was ok :hug: Hope your scan goes well next week :hug:
i bet that was scary glad bub was ok and hope everything goes fine with your scan nxt week xxxxxxxxxx
All sounds very worrying! Glad you've seen the sac, that must really put your mind at rest - well - as much as possible.

Glad everything is looking good for bubba though :hug:
Well fingers crossed for you hun, it certainly seems promising, at least they were able to identify where the problems are, and hopefully they arnt anything serious. Hopefully you will get a good result from your next scan.
Oh hun, isnt it frightening when you have a bleed so unexpectedly!

It was a blessing in disguise though in way, as you have seen the yolk and the sac! Must put your mind at rest.

Next week will be fantastic when you see the heart beat :hug:
awww hun sounds like youve had a scary time of it :hug: everything crossed for you hun for your next scan im sure all will be well a friend of mine had a clot on her last pregnancy and we really thought shed lost the baby ive never seen so much blood but all was well she did bleed on and off for a few weeks but then went on to have a trouble free pregnancy xxxxxxxxx
I hope the rest of your pregnancy runs smoothly- good luck next week at the scan :hug:
What a worrying week for you, im glad all is well and hope your scan goes well next week!
Blimey Laura, that must have been scary.

I didn't even realise you had got your BFP as I have been offline for a couple of weeks. Congratulations hun :hug: and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes without a hitch.
That must have been a real scare.

Thank goodness everything is OK and on a positive note at least you have found the cause of your bleeding. I had bleeding in early pregnancy and they couldn't tell me why, they couldn't find a reason for it. I had spotting for weeks, it's such a worrying time.

I hope everything goes well for your pregnancy.
oh ive just caught up with this post. hope all goes ok from now on laura. What a scare. :hug:
Thanks everyone - it was very scary, and of course you can never relax when you go to the loo after something like that happens :( Still, must think positive thoughts up until next Monday :)

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