Had the worst few days :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Won't go in to major detail as it'll bore you like hell but my in laws are just a complete bunch of ar*eholes! They've tried to cause so much trouble for me and my dh and I have been so stressed it's unreal. My hubby goes to play football once a week which is like his bit of time away from things and they ruined it for him. Now my dh is not speaking to his mum, brother and sister so he's only speaking to his older brother now. I can't believe how spiteful they all are, I thought my bil was alright with us but he phoned my dh slagging me and him off. My mil and sil have always been mental which people have seen me moan about before but it's getting worse! My sil is getting personal with things. She told my dh that she saw his ex (she has a child with my dh but he's not sure if he's his, long story!) and his son and that his ex had said she'd had a dna test from hair in his old flat and that his son was his. Now first his ex hates my sil so wouldn't even speak to her and if she had done it don't you think she would have informed my dh and the csa? Once again she is spreading lies but when it involves something like that which really upsets my dh it upsets me too. It's just been a horrible time and it's pretty much all caused again by my mil! :(

To top it off we saw my dh's ex and son in town yesterday. We didn't speak to them and I don't think they even saw us but it kinda upset me. My dh hasn't spoken to them in 3 years nearly now and I have never seen them in the 2 and a half years we have been together so it made it real seeing them. Before they were just names. Then when we were in bed me and dh were talking about them and I made a joke about her mainly to make myself feel better about it and he stuck up for her by saying "don't say that because what goes around comes around" this upset me because my dh moans and jokes about loads of people including his own family but when it came to her he said that. Just made me feel like he still has some feelings left for her which he swore to me he never had because she'd messed him around so much. Sorry I'm just feeling about down about things and everything seems to be coming at once. I apologise for the long post but I don't have anywhere to vent like I can here. :(
:hug: Aww hun, i don't really know what to say except that you SIL sounds like a right stirring cow!!

Maybe your DH said that about his ex not because he has feelings for her but that he doesn't want you to go all twisted like the rest of his family if that makes sense

Can i just as how his Family have stopped him playing footie?
Oh hun :( I recently saw DF's ex and her daughter, really shocks you doesn't it after they were just names for so long?

I don't know what else to say :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
jo said:
:hug: Aww hun, i don't really know what to say except that you SIL sounds like a right stirring cow!!

Maybe your DH said that about his ex not because he has feelings for her but that he doesn't want you to go all twisted like the rest of his family if that makes sense

Can i just as how his Family have stopped him playing footie?
His mum phoned him while he was waiting to play and started an arguement with him, he got so stressed and upset with her he had to walk out because he didn't want to be with his mates in that state. When his mum phoned he said he was playing football and could she phone him later and she just carried on.

Yeah that does make a lot of sense about why he would have said that. I just think we've been under a ton of stress and I'm quite hormonal at the moment so probably blowing that out of proportion.

Sami- Yeah it really gutted me. Like I said when they're just names it's not so bad but now I've seen them I know they're really there.
:shock: Thats discgusting showing him up in front of his mates, and i suppose with it being his mum he couldn't bring himself to just end the call.

All i can suggest is just be there for each other and try not to get too stressed as it will course you 2 to have mass arguments, and i have a weird feeling that his family would relish that.
I know it is easier said than done but you have your own little family to think about, never mind the crap that others are throwing your way
They would love if we argued about it but I won't give them the satisfaction ever. His mum is waiting for the day we split up. I posted on here before that she had said marrying me was the worst mistake of his life. But then she did deny she ever said that and said she has no problem with any of the boys girlfriends/wives. I know for a fact it's crap because she was sat with me slagging off my bil's girlfriend many a time and I just put my head down because I didn't want to be involved in her ways. I think the good thing is that me and my dh both feel the same way about them so we tend to agree more than argue when it comes to them. But stress is an awful thing so I think we have bickered a bit just about silly things not about them. Thankfully I am hoping that this is the end of it forever. My hubby has told them all he wants nothing to do with them and they'll never see any of us again. I'm glad it happened now which I knew it would because at least Aaron is still little and doesn't know what is going on. I think we're better off on our own. Well we have my family who have done nothing but support us all the way so we do still have some family! His mum showing him up in front of his mates happens all the time, she really doesn't care what she says. She's meant to be a 50 year old woman and she's acting about 15. I don't usually dislike people without a good reason but I can't stand his family. Except one of his brothers who also refuses to have anything to do with the others. It's just madness I'm not used to anything like this!

Thanks for being here girls, it's always good for someone to chat too and listen to me rant. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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