Im finishing it


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Hi thought id come on here and release some steam, Ive decided to leave my OH we havent spoke in 3 days and ive been sleepin on the sofa, hes been drinking alot and hes promised to come off the booze but his personalitys changed. His ex has been in touch again wanting us to take my stepson after goin to court saying we had been mistreating him etc, ive posted previously about it. Well hes decided he cant cope not seeing him and is willing to be contolled by his ex in order to see his son at any cost, weve got him this weekend, and im dreading it we have to walk on eggshells when hes here incase he says anything to his mum about it, he called her the other day to make final arrangement, and she started her demands i went to say summit, and OH told me to SHUT THE F*** UP, and when she got off the fone he gave me absolute pelters his mouth was vulgar things you woudlnt say to a stranger in the street, he smashed the fone onto the floor where my son was playing, Im at the stage now where i want a normal life now and cant put up with his ex or his abuse any longer, im hoping to get my own flat in a month, i feel sooo stressed out its unreal, XkelX :cry:
Thanks Nik, just think sometimes guys really take the piss once you had their kid, hed never treated me this way, we never argued at all when i had my own flat. As soon as i move out i know hel be at me with a straw tryin to sook up my a**, im tryin to be civil to him, as i dont wanna ruin him and Kaidens relationship, he says i can stay here til i get a flat and decorate it. Im sure he thinks im talkin rubbish. One minute hes sayin he loves me then he tellin me to move out and that il get nothing from him aggghhhh men. XkelX
Hey, sorry to hear things haven't worked out, it must be stressful for hubby to be in the middle of thing with ex, baby, son ect.
But you need to think of yourself and how it is stressing you son.
Good luck to you hun. :hug:
omg kas, nobody should take that crap!!!!
good on u for getting out, i hope things start to look up for u :hug: :hug:
thats why you have to do it hun to prove him wrong if he thinks you can't do it show him you can! be strong hun :hug:
Thanks for your support girls, my dads offered to pay a deposit if i want away from him now, i can take on a private let, my sister said the tax credit ppl might pay summit, cash will be tight for a while, but id rather be skint and happy than rich and sad. Ive gotta put Kaiden 1st and my mum managed to do it alone with 4 kids. Im gonna see the housing monday, thankfully ive still got most of my household stuff in storage. I was chattin to a few girls and work, their older and have been through the same thing, now theve moved on and met someone good, one of the girls put up with her OH for 8 years and wished she left him sooner. XkelX

So sorry hun do whats best for you and Kaiden. :hug:
Im gonna try and get outa here as soon as possible, just dont know the best way to do it, what i have to say to the housing and that. Kaidens Dad is now sayin hel sell the house buy a new one and put my name on the mortgage so il be entitled to half, he gave me my engagement ring back a week ago, said hel set a date to get married etc. He just cant accept its over, he keeps tryin to hug ma and stuff and inside i just cringe xkelx
hi hun, just be honest with the housing people they will jus catch you out otherwise :hug:
hun im sorry you are going thru this but without the arguments and you been stressed out itwill be better for the will be much happier away from someone like that,,,dont let him manipulate you hun xx im back in glasgow in feb hopefully seein family, i only came back from kilmarnock on saturday we can meet up maybe?
Thanks cassi and others who have replied, yeah if you can spare the time id be glad to meet up, xkelx
i hope you are okay Kas and i wish you well.

I split from my eldest boy's sperm donor when i was pregnant and then i meet my DH when Kieran was five, best thing that i ever did.
coo :) just got to wait for alan to ask work to see if he can get the holiday , i really hope so
Im still plannin on leaving, tryin to sort out a house its so hard, still waiting on word back from kaidens nursery then il prob have to take on more hours. In the meantime my OH has been tryin too sook up me A** the straws gettin a bit painful as well. Ive taken my car off him as well so he cant get to work. Hel just have to learn to keep his mouth shut in future if he hasnt got anything decent to say XkelX

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