Had Spotting Yesterday


Dec 7, 2009
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I'm 9wks pregnant & yesterday I had some pinkish-brown spotting, I'd had mild cramping throughout the night & in the morning so I called doctor & I've got a scan 2moro, a bit nervous as I know many woman get spotting & it's nothing to worry about but I couldn't help worrying that its a miscarriage, a week ago I was upset as I didnt feel pregnant & had worries that the baby had died inside me & I'm worried that I'm going to go to the scan 2moro to have my fear confirmed or find out I was never pregnant & it was just that thing that mimics pregnancy where the pregnancy hormone is produced & symptoms are too, I know it sounds silly but the only reason I think I might feel like this is because I've always wanted children but somehow didn't imagine it ever happening so finding it hard to believe I am pregnant.

Try not to get worked up hun - it's not good for you or the little bean. I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine - I think everyone thinks like this to differing degrees.
I know it is hard but try not to worry. I have the same fears and worries as you having wanting to be a mum for years.

I unfortunately had a miscarriage on Friday at 6 weeks which was confirmed by a scan. However bleeding is apprently very common and doesnt always mean something is wrong.

I hope you are ok and sorry I can't give you any more comfort. x
Good luck for tomorrow honey, i'll be watching out for your updates. I really hope the scan goes well, and i think it is normal to think like that.

I've had two scans so far with another one due in just over a week and each time i've had a major panic that somethings going to be wrong or its not going to be real, but so far so good! :dust:
Thankyou both for your kind words, I've always been a worrier which is why I joined this forum as it's made me feel so much better to know that I'm not the only one with all these fears.

Zandytoll, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to go through that, I can't imagine how you must be feeling, big hugs to you, I hope you manage to get through this & have the support you need. I wish I could say something to ease your pain. xxx
Good luck hun :hug:

Cramping can be stretching pains, and some spotting can be totally normal, especially around the time AF would normally be due. I bled about 6 times when I was PG with my daughter.

Hope the scan goes well tomorrow xx
Thanks, I'm quite nervous, being my 1st pregnancy I'm panicked about everything, will def let everyone know how it all goes tomorrow. xx
Good luck tomorrow hun, I know exactly what you mean, I have a paranoid thought that Im not really pregnant and its all been a big mistake, like Ive mis calculated my dates or something! I know in my rational mind that its not true, but I can't get it out of my head. I think our instincts make us worry so that we protect our little ones, I really hope the scan goes well tomorrow.xxx
good luck for the scan! I will be keeping an eye out for what im sure will be good news! Stay positive x

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