had scan not good **Updated**

I'm so sorry to hear that, you know that we are here for you :hug:
It's easy for us to say but hang in there and try not to worry. Remember we're all here for you if you need us. Let us know your results.

Thinking of you. :hug: :)
Good luck for today hun, come on and let us know how you got on.
Hi girls,
Thank u so much for all your surport!!!!
Sorry didn't post yesterday but had such stressful day.
well got a call yesterday bout 11 saying they had my results and unfortunaly my bloods had risen but not enough (21/9 -3200 23/9 -3500) so i was 2 come down as suspected eptopic. said would do more tests to find out for sure and were it might b said migtht have 2 stay over nite.
got off phone crying really scared!
got down 2 hospital and they wized me off for a scan woman asked me bout bleeding pain ect don't think she even looked at my notes so had to repeat everything again
she said there was problems that she could see but there were slight pregnancy changes in my womb but blood tests were still not good so wants another blood test put me in a room left me there for 20m then another doctor took more blood (feel like a pin cushion)
said he would find out if could go then let me for 30m another nurse then came in and asked why i was still there???
said i could go home and had 2 come back thurs for aonther blood test!!!
more waiting with no explanation
took a lot of calming down when 1m your told eptpic then u can go home!?!
well all i can think is that it migth b a miscarrage folowed by a new pregnancy so fingers crossed bloods start 2 come up and there nothing wrong
will keep u posted thank u so much again x x x x x :hug:
hope it all works out ok lilypad, keep us posted with results on thus, fingers are crossed for you :hug:
Aw hun, how annoying and stressfull for you!

I really hope things work out okay for you. Like you said you may have miscarried but concieved again?!

Hugs coming your way girl :hug: hang in there.
Theres nothing worse then being left in the dark, how awful for you that you still dont know, but lets hope no news is good news! Keeping everything crossed for you! :hug:
:hug: awww hun what a worry for you we are all here for you xxxx
sounds like a nightmare...Hope you get more info on ~Thursady

Take care
really hoping that it works out for you :pray:

had the ectopic scare a few weeks back and was kept in hospital and I know it really isn't a nice feeling.

Thinking of you and praying for good news :pray:

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