Had my scan yesterday.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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and got off to a bad start as my appointment in the morning was messed up and no ultrasound had been booked so we had to call another clinic who were amazing and squeezed us in in the afternoon. So I had to drink all the water again in preparation for the scan after going it in the morning. I swear I nearly peed myself in the waiting room my bladder hurt so bad!
The doctor was awesome and took loads of pictures for us. Sac 2 still hasn't disappeared which is worrying me a bit but they said defo only 1 baby and it will be absorbed at some point and not effect my little bub so I'll just have to trust them.
We had our xmas party for work last night and as my OH is the boss he did a welcome speech and introduced our baby on a massive screen! It was so nice and everyone was really shocked and pleased for us, I couldn't have had a better night! :dance:


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Oh wow what a great way to announce your news!! That's brilliant!! Xx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
That's a great way to share your news, and lovely pic xx
Awww what a lovely way to introduce the baby! Gorgeous pic xx
Congrats hun lovely picture my mum also had an empty sac with my little sister and she was fine hunny. I just called her the evil twin because she sucked it up lol no offence x
So glad that all is ok hun :) what great pic, so clear! What a way to announce baby too, amazing! x x
So pleased your scan went well Buggy, and amazing picture too. Gorgeous! xxx
So pleased all is well hun and what an amazing pic :) xxx
What a great pic! Pleased that everything's going well x
Glad everything is ok, and lovely clear pic! Fantastic way to announce ur news too! :)
Just caught up with this Buggy! great picture and glad all is going ao well x x x

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