had my scan but now no midwife


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Well sorry I've not been online for a few weeks but we've moved house and the new line hasn't been activated yet. What's worse is works PC doesn't seem to like this website and has a habit of crashing when trying to load the pages :wall: :roll:

Well 'bump' has gone from just being active between 7pm and 9.30pm to having a good old wriggle around 12pm-1.30pm and then again slightly later in the evening around 8.30pm :D Usually near my belly button but does kick to either side as well. Strong enough that often it makes me jump and hubby even saw my tummy move the other day :lol:

I also had my 20week scan on friday. We have 2 arms, 2 legs, a well formed head and we're a good size for our age :cheer: Just above that middle line in your maternity notes :wink:

Hubby also decided he really wanted to know what we were having if they could tell :shhh: lol and the sonographer seemed pretty confident and said striaght away "it's a boy" and then showed us.
She was really nice and very detailed and let us watch all the measurements and showed us some clips of the heart playing back that she'd recorded :cheer:
I had to take a walk though as he was lying on his back and not letting her measure his spine so we had to turn him lol :roll:
Best part was after he rolled over onto his side and she zoomed in on his face....full frontal and his little handies cluched up under his chin just staring striaght at us :shock: :wave:

Unfortunately I've not seen a midwife yet as I have to keep cancelling appointments. I rang her up on fri after the scan (because I'd goen to the docs the day before with stomache pains and headaches which we concluded were stress so I took a few days off work) and she says because I've moved I'm now out of the catchment area and need to register with a new doctor and get a new midwife! :evil: So now I have no midwife at all.

I seem to be having problems because last time when I had my M/C I had a midwife direct from the hospital who visted you at home and could make afternoon appointments OR morning appointments to help fit around work hours.

This time around they expect you to drag yourself in at only a few days notice to morning appointments which they only hold 2 days a week. The clinic was also a good 10-15min drive away from my old house....and I don't drive! So it's making sure I have renewed my bus pass or walking for a good 35-40mins to get there which they don't seem to take into consideration :evil:

Is this just the result of NHS cut backs or something?
congratulations on ur little boy xx
Congrats on the boy!
I think the general principal is that your employer should be giving you time off for appointments regardless, so if the MW's are not able to be more flexible it should not impeed your employment IYKWIM.

I explained I could have court hearings booked for cases that I had been working on and didnt want to compromise these and my MW has been very accommodating so maybe if there is a problem with work let the new MW know and she may be a little more willing to fit you into different slots.

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