Had my first midwife appointment today....


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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....and my midwife is a man, he seems very nice though-was only in there 5 minutes-he put my due date forward to 20th September, dont know how he worked that one out, it will prob go back once i've had my scan. He's coming round to my house on Monday for a proper booking in appointment- and shall just have to wait for my scan now!

Hi Amy, Congratulations on your first midwife (or midhusband?) appointment. It's a nice feeling to talk about it all with the midwife...makes it all seem a little more real somehow. I will be interested to hear how your experience with a male midwife goes.
Hi hun, it makes it more real when you have you first midwife appt. I can't wait to hear when your scan is going to be!! :D

Glad he seemed nice :cheer: I wonder does he call himself a midwife? Most professions have changed to non-gender specific titles, I'd never really thought about what a male midwife would be called :D
Glad you got a nice midwife :D

If you have your baby 5 days early it will share a birthday with Keeley or have it 4 days late and it will share a birthday with me 8) :hug:
Fab news that you've got a great midwife.

A few friends of mine have had male midwives and theirs have been absolutely fantastic.

It doesn't make any difference whether they're male/female at the end of the day so long as they're good at their jobs.
is he easy on the eyes?

if so fantastic lol

I have my appointment next friday dwn at the hospital, cant wait. It confirms that your preggos yipeeee :cheer:
Cool! A male midwife! I want one so I can perv :lol:

U will probably get put back dates at your scan - I knew when my due date would be, got put forward by the doctor and then got given a different date by the midwife and when I went for my scan they put me back to what I thought in the 1st place!

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