Had my consultant appointment today..


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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To basically discuss whether i was going to be consultant led care or Midwife led care due to me having high blood pressure in my last pregnant.. Shes decided that it wasnt actually Pre-eclamsia last time :roll: it was just hypertension in pregnancy. so she doesnt seem too worried. Though my Bp has already gone up a bit and was 132/80 :shock: but she thinks its just coz i was worried about it etc. So as long as it doesnt go completely nuts my possiblity on a home birth is still ago :cheer: . and i heard his/her heat beat :) . But so far hasnt got a clue when my scans going to be, apparently there seems to be being a bit of a baby boom here atm and they are trying to fit them all in :( hope i dont have to wait too long for it tho. But overall it was a good appointment and i feel more reasured.
I've spent so much time with the consultant because of my high blood pressure it's like a second home! I had this before I got pregnant so was aware that it would probably be a problem. I wish that mine was as low as what yours is I average with the lower figure being in the late ninties when on the meds I've been given. I dread to think what it would be if I didnt take the pills. I've noticed there is a baby boom in my area too, at least six people I know are due around the same time as me. I know September is generally a busy time because of the Christmas Boom I just hope when it comes to D Day there will be enough room at the inn! Although at this stage I dont know if I will be doing things naturally or not what with the blood pressure. Hope yours stays down and that you get your wish for a home birth granted :)
Thanks :) glad im not the only one, i was on pills as well with my first, i assume they may put me on them again if it gets any worse.

:rotfl: i didnt think of it like that, everyone must have been at it at xmas/new years :lol:

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