consultant appointment??


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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hey ladies! with expecting twins they said id e put o to a consultant however i heard nothing until sonographer asked when i was seeing the consultant at 18 week scan. she said my midwife should have reffered me and to be honest she doesnt do a great deal. so that day (2 weeks ago on monday) i rang my doctors and got him to send referal that afternoon and havnt heard back yet. how long does it take usually? and do u think it will be a problem if im a week or 2 behind on my consultant appt? x
I'm sure it'll be fine. We had a consultant at our 18 week scan and were not seeing her again until I'm about 28 weeks and that's only an out patients appt. Don't know If that helps!

thanx hun im going to ring up tuesday and chase it up, all seems ok so far so touch wood it will just be to monitor me as they and i get bigger! x
I see a consultant on the same day that i have my scans. I'm sure it will be fine, i have found that the consultant doesn't really do much anyway - don't know if that's just me - She generally just looks at the notes of my scans etc and chats about how i'm feeling and any problems i'm experiencing with my condition. Aslong as all was well with your scans i wouldn't worry too much about it for now but definitely chase it up - they can take ages can't they, pestering them can sometimes speed things up! xxx
I see a consultant on the same day that i have my scans. I'm sure it will be fine, i have found that the consultant doesn't really do much anyway - don't know if that's just me - She generally just looks at the notes of my scans etc and chats about how i'm feeling and any problems i'm experiencing with my condition. Aslong as all was well with your scans i wouldn't worry too much about it for now but definitely chase it up - they can take ages can't they, pestering them can sometimes speed things up! xxx

thanx hun x yes i will chase them up and hopefully manage to get my next consultant appointment at my 22 week scan! im seeing the sonographer at the hospital that deals with multiples so prob in best hands already xx
yeah sounds like you are. these conultants are a pain in the bum. my one referred me to royal brompton for a heart scan on myself cos my murmurs got louder and that was shortly after my 12 week scan but still havent heard anything to this day then he called me 2 weeks ago and said they can do the scan at my local hosp and got the appointment the day after he called.dunno why they didnt do that in the first place. but yeah chase them up about it. and dee i agree. mine does the same and whenever i see him i have to wait for ages once for over 2 hours and he left me and my oh in the room for half hour so had to tell a nurse and she said oh hes written your notes you can go. my oh was fuming we had to go pick my mum up as well
Sounds like I'm not missing out too much yet then! Fancy leaving u waiting all that time so rude! X
My midwife referred me, when I had my 12 weeks scan, they gave me a date for my 20 week scan and told us we would see the consultant that day too. We had a wait of 2 hours between the scan and seeing the consultant only to be told there's not much they can do until they have my records from the hospital where I had the boys! So I now have to go back at 28 weeks! Just hope they have my records by then! X x

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