Had enough now!! What more can this baby throw at me!!!

I think in the long run its the best option to get her tested iykwim?

Good luck! We're all here for a rant!

Hun I went back to the hospital friday and had AJ reviewed he had just started to settle on the Aptimal colic milk and dentinox routine. We had 3 days of him taking 3 ozs then being awake for 45mins then sleeping till the next feed feeding him ever 3 hours. I had 2 nights were he slept in the moses basket for 4 hours. A miracle for me and the first time he has slept out of my arms in 7 weeks. They decided in their wisdom they wanted to try the Domperidone etc again I was reluctant and gave it a go after being felt to be a bit of a shit mum. I gave them to him friday and yesterday I was back to a baby who wouldn't smile, play, lay down, stop screaming or go to anyone else!!! I have stopped it all and I will not be putting anymore crap in my son. I have had enough of it all now. I knew they would make him bad and I should have stuck to my guns!!!! Hes a little better today but I think it will take a couple of days to get out of his system. I am sticking to detinox before feed, Aptimal colic and constipation milk and calpol when needed.
Hiya, zac was a nightmare feeder for the first 6 months! He was milk protein intolerant, and a bottle would take hours! I had to get him to sleep then give him a dream feed, if she struggles again, see if it works for you. Also dr browns bottles helped a bit. Good luck xxx
Glad she is eating again hun, that must be very stressful :(

fingers crossed she continues in that way! sorry to hear youve had a rough time lots of love xxxxxxx
She's stopped eating again so we are of to the doctors later. Can't stop stressing over her weight and eating :( x
I think thats the best option too, even though it might mean LO has a bit of a sorer tummy. When you go to the docs for the test, could you suggest that you go on Nutrimigen on a trial basis. Its a dairy/lactose free formula. Thats after the test has been done of course. They dont need to have actual proof of an allergy to prescribe this - if your doc doesn't prescribe it, its coz he doesn't want to, so keep pushing, after all...if your LO does have an allergy, thats what she'll get put on. If you even said that out of desperation you've been searching online for formulas you could buy without dairy.

I hope it works out, is your apt today for the actual test of to get a referal for the test at a hosp?

Thanks LM, good advice and support as always :)

It's just a doctors appointment today. She has a cough also so she needs to be seen for that anyway and then I will ask for a referral.

Don't think we will get a referral straight away as she is quite happy today and playing with her toys.. She has drank 7oz in the past 13 hours! Its like she's a newborn again! X
just catching up on this, i really hope you can get her feeding sorted soon, what s crappy time of it you have had, they should take you seriously as shes not eating :hugs: hope things improve soon. xx
Hope they sort something out, will be so much better when she's eating again, I worry so much when Charlie's off his food (which isn't often mind) but he used to do it often and I'd be crying with worry. Keep us updated x

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