Had early scan


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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This was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Our baby the little jelly bean that it looked had an amazing heart beat, we had to pay for this but it was worth every penny. The girl was amazing and made me feel really calm, as it was internal. Just can't wait to see my baby again at our 12 week scan at the end of August.
yay...its great isnt it,,,,to see a little peanut with a heartbeat

Hi Hun sorry I'm on my phone so can't see tickers how far along are you? Was it internal or normal scan ? I've got mine nxt Saturday and can't wait :)
Really pleased it went well x x
That's fab! It's an amazing experience isn't it?! :) xx
I haven't got a ticker up as I can't understand how to get one but I am 8 weeks and 4 days. And it was an internal scan, it wasn't that bad.
Wow...sounds great! I have mine 9th of august!:) can't wait!
Esperanza we have our scans on the same day!

Littlemuffin - if you click on a ticker, you can put ur info in and then u copy and paste the html code into the signature bit on the user cp xx

i had a scan at 8w, its amazin isn't it! i had one on wednesday too at 10w 2d and still got my 12w to look forward to!
Larlybelle was yours internal? I'm quite nervous about internal scan, I've heard you can bleed after x
Larrybelle: wow, that's so exciting! Fx for us:)

Sleepy sue: I have had internal scans when I was on clomid and didn't bleed (I have had two internal scans before I got my bfp).
sleepysue - yeah, my 8w scan was internal, didn't have any crampin or bleedin afterwards, ive been quite lucky and not had any bleedin at all. internal scans dont hurt, ive had loads before for my pco and tube abnormalities, this one wasn't any different. its nothin to worry about, the wand does look scary as its huge but only the tip of it goes in. i didnt find it uncomfortable either. fingers crossed for your scan xx
Ahh lovely news , great to see the HB too - piccys........

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