Early scan...*UPDATE WITH PIC*

You can buy a heart monitor from Argos or other stores, I had mine from Amazon and it wasn't that expensive either, about £20. I first heard the heart beat at 9 weeks even though they say you wont until 10-14 weeks. The midwife didn't like me using one and said I may not be able to hear the heart beat, but I've never experienced that and I use it quite frequently. Now I'm 20 weeks I can hear all the kicks and movements and feel them better when I'm using it cuz it vibrates the monitor. It's really easy to use too :) The midwife may been telling you that you may not be able to hear the heart beat because if your only 8 weeks It can take some time to hear it as if the baby is facing your spine or in a different position you may not hear it, not that there is anything wrong. Tbh they prob tell you to not have that scan due to their own benefit not yours. When the midwife told me off I said I'm not using it rather than going to my appointments, as they were worried now I had the monitor I wouldn't go to my appointments, but I would. So after reassuring them they seemed a little happier :) Do what you want hunny, it's your pregnancy :) xx hope this helps :)
Thanks Taassh. We decided not to buy a doppler as I am a real worrier and would certainly panic if I didnt find a heartbeat. Im a size 16 and its hard enough to find one this early on without layers of fat apparently lol. Ill leave it to the professionals. Ive paid for my scan today and theyve said 90% at 8 weeks hear the heartbeat and if not, they will still see it and baby so although Im very nervous and feel sick as I have all day to wait now Im sure things will be ok. If theyre not, youll all know about it later :(
Good luck for today hunnie, can't wait to see your pics xx
Good luck with your scan hun!! :) Cant wait to see pics! :hug:

It's true about the dopplers causing worry though! MW tried to find heartbeat at my 16 week appt on friday and couldn't..Though she could hear movements (this bubs seems to move a lot) and eventually got to hear it via the placenta..But unless you knew what you were listening for (i had no idea what i was hearing it was all swooshy - wouldnt have known it was movements unless she told me) it would make you worry xx
Ive added pic on the first post :) It was amazing and I feel much better apart from the Nandos Ive stuffed myself with to celebrate!
Glad all went well Hun! your due on my birthday lol! xx
lol Samsgirl. Well its my Nans birthday on the 4th and 2 of her other Great Grandchildren were born then so Im crossing my fingers majorly lol
Excellent a little cherry flavoured jelly bean. So teeny. Hope you're feeling relaxed and chilled now. x
Awww I'm so glad the scan went well!
I would love a private scan but really don't think we can afford it right now.
Thanks Beth, Im totally more relaxed now especially as I took great pleasure in emailing HR at work to tell them as well and give them my date and leaving date MUWAHAHAHAAAAA

We were lucky we had savings Tiffany :)
Thats great news. I'm so glad the scan went well hun xxx
What a great pic! So glad it all went well :) x x

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