had early scan yesterday.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I am not 100% sure when my last period was but think I'm about six weeks now, had early scan yesterday and they thought I was 5 weeks and half. Could only see yolk sac etc... And got another scan next week to see if they can see heartbeat... Had an missed abortion before so little worrird... Have I reason to be ? Last few days I've got badly morning sickness, it start at night ! And last to afternoon....
Good luck for scan next week hun, can understand how worried you are but all sounds good so far.... try not to worry please x
Try not to worry.... I was exactly the same at 5 wkd just a sac. Went back two weeks later and saw a tiny bean and a flashin heartbeat! Been again today and baby has grown and heard heartbeat this time!!

Hope the week goes quickly for you so you can see the little heartbeat!!
Thank u girls, just worry all time I don't like beinh like this, once I see heartbeat I will be able to relax and enjioy pregnancy x

I can understand that you are worried i had a mmc and it has made me so worried this time round. If it is any comfort to you i went for early scan at 5 weeks and only saw yolk sac and they only put me at 4 and a half weeks. I went this morning at 7 weeks and i saw the heartbeat for the first time so it was amazing. I know is easier said than done but try not to worry, it is very normal not to see anything so early on but i am sure once you go back you will see the wee heart beating!

Did they take any bloods from you? They normal take 2 sets of bloods over 48 hours to see if your hcg levels are rising as they should be!

Let us know how you get on next week.

I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

I think most of us worry like crazy until we see the heart beat for the first time and for me waiting is the worse part! I havent had my scan yet but mw is arranging a dating scan asap so at the mo i'm just worrying about everything and its driving me nuts lol
I am feeling the same, really starting to fret! Not that I've had any previous experiences, this is my first pregnancy but I really really want it to be a sticky! It's easy to get paranoid isn't it? X
I am worried with this one as last Jan I lost a baby at 11wks and I am currently 11 wks now! Last time from day one I felt crap. Couldnt tell you why I just felt awful from morning till night and I knew something wasn't right as it was my 3rd pregnancy so I knew what to expect. Since I found out this time, I was preg I felt so different cant put my finger on it but I do. I feel much better. I also bought a featal heart doppler which I use every other night and it makes me feel more at ease when I can hear little ones heartbeat like a race horse. So hang on in there all will be fine i'm sure xxxx
Hi again, I see I'm not the only one that worries my oh. ( bless him) got me a wonderful pregnancy book and its says its very common to be nervous, I think these days when we spend more time reading on intermett we can easily go into the negative thinking if u know what I mean. Also I'm from Norway I was told to have full bladder on scan here but never was told in Norway to have full bladder before scans so I went to toilet just before scan they said it was harder to see anything then, also my friends in norway says they never have scan before 7 weeks as this is what could happen, its hard to detect heartbeat early and just end up being even more nervous.......x
I'm a bag of nerves too Scandimum, as if TTC wasn't stressful enough!
Aw :-( these nerves/stress can't be good for us or our baby beans! Nothing seems to help take the old mind off it tho. Ffs! Xx
It's not easy is it ... Just got to think positive and no the stress defo not good for us I think xx

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