Had a treatment in monday


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Monday I went to the hosital to have my dead embryo and tissue removed. I bled some that day but hardly any the days after, now today (so day 5) all of a sudden it is a lot more (not insane) but I just find it odd that it is more now thinking it should be healing and if it didn't bleed before why is it now?

My doctor said you can just get pregnant the same cycle no issues but just not have intercourse during the bleeding time (because of infections). Nhow long did the bleeding usually take for other ladies who have gone through this?
hiya ive had 2 erpcs in a yr now the first one i bled for about 15-20 days on and off i wasnt realy tracking it as to wen firstly im realy sorry for your loss.....my af came cos i was on holidays and i just put it all to the bk of my head i think it was about 5 weeks after wen i had sex again, not this time was totaly difrent i bled the day of erpc and the day after very lightly no pain nothing and had a slight brown spotting 2 weeks ago lasted a few hours and i think i oved last saturday as got a + opk after i had been checking then religously cos i wanted to know when they were negative and also used hpts to track my hcg in my body, i first had sex the 6th june and it was fine i could have had it sooner as had no bleeding but i wanted my body to heel properly and my mind and i felt i was then ready,yesterday i had another brown spotting episode lasted an hour or so,i just dont know where the hell my body is at its so frustrating. have they arranged to have u bk for a scan to make sure all the retained products have gone? you could track ur hcg with hpts to see where ur body is at i wanted to as i needed to know when they went negative they havnt quite gone negative yet but they are so faint they are hardly visable so the hcg in my body is very very low low enough to ovulate,hope the bleeding eases for you soon and unfortuantly every woman is difrent after this procedure but keep an eye on and if it gets to bad or painfull ring the hospital about it, take care xsx
its really does vary, thats why although there is no proper medical reason you are advised to wait until your first proper cycle, your cervix will still be slightly open so you risk infection plus you have no idea when your LP is or ovulation

i bled for 7 days then it stopped then started again a few days after then i had a proper period a couple of weeks after that. xx
dont know wat happened but my post messed up the sorry was meant to be at the beggining xx
So sorry to hear of ur loss :hug: After my erpc I had bleeding the day of the op, then spotting for 3 days. It then went really heavy for a few days and fully stopped 12 days after the op. 1st cycle returned 28 days after op day. Xx
Oh I'm sorry Helen I hadn't realised this had happened XX

I can't remember , but did bleed for a good few days but know it was gone before day 14 as we tried again straight away, even tho I wouldn't have known dates. I don't actually think I ovulated that first cycle, so we would not have had a chance anyway, I remember feeling so low when the period actually arrived, so prepare yourself a little / keep busy. I got my period 26 days after EPRC.

I am day seven today and a little less blood then yesterday but still way too much for just a panty liner, my temp dropped a bit more and usually I get my menses at 36.2 and then it drops to 35.8 it was 36.1 today so I am hoping for another drop because then ovulation could be possible later (if the temp says up obviously not). I know a women who got regnant the first cycle so it is possible but I will just have to see if I ovulate or not. Keep you lacies updated.

I don't hope I will bleed until day 12 did you cound spotting as days too JJMum?

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