Had a shock tonight


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I fell off my horse tonight. I've fallen off her 3 times since I got her nearly 5 years ago, so its not a regular occurrance. I think something spooked her and she took off, lept in the air and bucked, I tried to stay on but she dropped her head and shoulders and I sumersaulted off her and landed on my right hip.

I lept up and started panicing - a couple of the girls at the yard were in the arena with me and I blurted out that I was pregnant and what was I going to do. (the language was a lot worse than that but not going to write that)

One of the girls got the horse and told me to go, that they would sort her. So I legged it home and picked up hubby and dashed down to Lincoln hospital. They took me in within 10 mins and doctor asked if I had any pains (none) and was I bleeding. I said I didn't know as it had only happened half an hour before. So he asked me to check, (he left room and nurse stayed in with me) nothing on my knickers and I even wiped myself to be sure and there was no blood. He checked my tummy and said it was lovely and soft and that I was going to be fine. As I am so early, the pregnancy is really low down so he said that would have helped.

He was a lovely doctor and really reassured me, he said that if I went on to mc later on in pregnancy it would have absolutely nothing to do with this fall. He also said I did the right thing coming down to hospital as the stress of worrying about it would have been much worse for baby than my actual tumble off the horse!

I'm now at home and still can't believe it happened. I've been to the loo and there is still no bleeding and I'm in no pain (apart from my IBS - but thats a different type of discomfort)

Its funny because I had a niggle in my head tonight that something was going to happen before I got on my horse, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and carried on - maybe i should have listened to my conscience.
oh dear!!! glad that you and baby are ok though!! :) xx
gosh glad u ok maybe u need to listen to tht little niggle next time :)
Behey hun, just very careful, I'm not into horses but if I was I don't think I'd personally risk it!!but that's a personal choice Xx
Had read threads on here of other people who had horses and were still riding and my aunt rode until she was just over 6 months. Was riding before I knew I was pregnant. Tonight was just really unlucky, but maybe it's best it happened tonight and not 6 months down the line.

I'm quite into my sports and its going to be hard to change my life, but I don't want to do anything that would jeorpardise the health of my baby. Thats far more important to me
Totally personal choice hun :) and u know ur horses and u know when somethings not quite right! I'm just a v careful person(maybe overly careful) and I've heard bad stories! One girl I know broke her wrists or I heard peeps fall of and then get kicked or trampled on!! Also I'm weary of poo and mud being pregnant!! You will know what's right for u and that's diff for each of us :) glad ur ok tho! X
Cheers hunni, I think more of it was the shock, but really pleased with how good the hospital was, he was such a lovely doctor, still feel bit anxious but I worry about everything anyway lol Bloody horses eh!!!
Just though I would give an update - I feel grand this morning, no blood or pain (apart from my hip, which I used as the landing mechanism last night :lol:) thanks for your wee messages guys, blump and I are made of tough stuff - but won't be taking that risk again
I ride horses and have quit while I'm TTC - it's so hard to stick to it though cos I miss it so much but I know I'm such a worrier that I would just be panicking away and doing myself no favours. :rolleyes:

You know yourself and horse best even though horses are sometimes unpredictable, it's whatever works for you. If I had a horse I would most likely keep riding but keep it minimal and possibly do a bit of lunging to keep horse excersised and ticking over but again that's personal choice and that's not to say you have to do the same - there are lots of women who continued riding til 6months into their pregnancy. I just think the risks would be too great for me lol, I would probably end up wrapped in bubble wrap when I get my BFP! ;)

So glad to hear you're ok hun! :)

x x
I gave up lol, when I got my BFP, If I had my previous horse, I would have kept on riding but didn't think breaking a 3 year old in to ride was a good idea while pregnant, so Jack is having another year off :lol: Not that I mind, allows him to mature a bit more
aww hun sorry this happened but your baby is well protected so is safe and sound your hospital sounds great :) its up to you if you chose to stop as only you know your horse best xxx
glad youre ok. i fell off in early pregnancy too, probably where you are now and ended up with bad concussion! im fine though, only stopped riding a few weeks ago. if i had it my way id still be riding now but its hard to get off so i have given up until babys here, i have 3 horses that need exercise so im itching to get back on! glad youre ok, im sure you will be. i am and here i am right by my due date! x

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