Had a horrible day


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
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I'm posting this purely because I need to have a bit of a whinge!
We had a phone call last night to say my Nan had fallen over and broken her pelvis in 2 places but they can't operate as she is too old and probably wouldn't come round so they're trying to deal with it through physio and rehabilitation. She's in care home normally as she has severe alzheimers, my Mum and her sister took the decision after my Nan had fallen and broken her back twice and was found wandering around the streets a few times at 2am etc saying she was going to work. Anyway, Gary, my parents, Jess and I drove down to Essex last night to see her and stayed over night.
My parents have been staying with us since November as Dad had a job here but hadn't managed to find a house. They're moving out on the 25th January. We have 2 dogs and so do my parents, so we got one of our friends to come and stay with the 4 of them overnight. He had to leave at 1:30 this afternoon and we got back at 4:30.
We got back with Jess crying for her dinner and our next door neighbour ran out having a right go at us as apparently every day the dogs bark from 1-4 (I'm home most days and the only time they bark is if someone comes in the garden or is being particularly noisy outside) and that one of them keeps trying to bite her hand through the fence (we have a dog flap so they can go in and out the side garden and the kitchen), all the dogs are really gentle, they do bark and one is a german shepherd so she looks dangerous but they aren't at all. Also, the only hole in the fence (which is their fence) is right at the bottom and not big enough for the dogs snout so she would have had to put her hand through if that were true! She said she'd had enough so had thrown a jug of water over them and was telling us incase we wandered why the back bit was wet. I apologised as was desperate to get Jess in, got inside and the kitchen looked like it had flooded! There was a puddle by the dog flap that was about 3ft by 2ft and then the rest of it was covered in wet muddy paw prints, the side bit was just one giant puddle, I think they must have put a hose over and it's hit the dog flap and come through. As we've opened the kitchen door the dogs were completely over excited and ran through and jumped up covering the living room floor with mud and our clothes so I've just had to spend an hour mopping the kitchen and scrubbing the living room carpet! I'm absolutely fuming with her, what did she think soaking them would do anyway?!
It was the last thing I needed after getting back from seeing Nan.
Hi Joj,

I can completely sympathise with your Nan as unfortunately my dear old Nan had severe dementia and I know how hard it is, she also had numerous falls attempting to do things she was quite simply too old to do. She fell a few times and got some awfully sore looking bruises, and also fell in my Auntie's house damaging her leg really badly.
It is so hard to see them like that and I only wish I'd been more patient with her and regarded her condition more, I was about 11/12 at the time and didn't understand why she'd put my homework somewhere silly like in the kitchen cupboard :( that was of course only the start of it. She'd also get angry and frustrated if anybody questioned her as obviously she didn't know the answer, so we argued a lot, but I just hope now she realises how much I really did love her and how guilty I do feel.
Stay strong for her and make the time to visit her as often as is possible for you, my nan's eyes used to light up when she wasn't well and I'd come in, it was such a lovely thing to see.

Secondly, what on earth is your neighbour thinking throwing water on them? Is it supposed to stop them barking or something, if they were stuck outside she basically has just thrown water on them which is going to make them freezing in the middle of January.
So she can't say anything, if she knew there was a flap there then she's an idiot for throwing water on them knowing they'd go back into your house. From what you say it doesn't sound like she's just 'thrown it', it probably was the hose, as you say, for it to get all over the kitchen and living room!

I do hope you're alright, hugs :hug: x
Id be livid with her!! Who does she think she is throwing water at your dogs. If there were causing her such agro then she should have said something before not just start chucking water about!

And... if she is stupid enough to put her hand through a fence at dogs in there own garden then she is pretty much asking to be bit IMO. :shakehead:

If it were me, id be straight round there with a jug of water! And be asking her if she liked A,being wet and B, having her house soaked!

:hug: to you on your nan :hug:
I can't believe your neighbour did that! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I would be livid too, especially as you said the hole in the fence is not big enough for the dog's snout to get through so she must have tried to put her hand through! If that were me, I'd go back round and knock on their door later on once Jess is settled and tell them you're extremely annoyed about the amount of water that was in your house and ask her excatly what she had done, as there was too much for it to have come from a jug! I think that is soooo rude! :twisted:

Sorry to hear about your Nan :hug: :hug:
Thank you, I'm more upset about my Nan I think, that was just pushed me over the edge.
I hate seeing her like that, she had no idea who we were, didn't know she was in hospital first of all she thought she was at work (she used to work in a hospital) and then she thought she was on holiday. She kept singing Old McDonald Had a Farm to us and asking us where we lived, didn't know who we were, was just pleased to have someone sitting with her. :(
I did go round and speak to my neighbour once I'd calmed down a bit, she wouldn't admit to using more than a jug but went very red when I told her about the state of the kitchen, I told her she completely over-reacted and if it happened again she'd be getting the cleaning bill for my carpets. I then pointed out that I was home most days and the dogs didn't bark that much. She looked a bit suprised and asked why I wasn't back at work yet!!! She then basically admitted that if she hears a dog bark she assumes it's ours! I said I was very suprised that the dog went to bite her and why was her hand through the fence anyway, she said it wasn't so I asked how the dogs had even managed to see her hand to go for her, she said "well, ummm, it didn't go for me, but it sounded like it would have done."
I calmly informed her that she could have a lot worse neighbours than us, she knows my parents are only with us for another week (it's their dogs she has a particular problem with) and that if she decided to take the discipline of our dogs in to her own hands again I wouldn't be quite so polite and she would regret it! (I have absolutely no idea how I would make her regret it, I was just annoyed, but I do feel much better for speaking to her!)
Awwww I understand how you feel - my Nan had Alzheimers and was also in a Care Home. I hated going to see her, I know it sounds horrible but it used to upset me so much when she didn't know who we were or what we were talking about. She used to get so confused and sometimes angry. I wouldn't have stopped going to see her though because even though most of the time she didn't have any idea that my Dad was her son and we were her Grandchildren, she was pleased to have someone just sitting there with her for an hour or two.

Glad you got it sorted with your nasty neighbour though and you gave her what for! :lol: Hopefully what you said to her will make her think twice if she hears your dogs barking again and goes to throw water in your house! :hug:
just wanted to offer some cuddles, sounds like you've had a time of it :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope you all get a good nights sleep tonight :hug:
Glad you spoke to her, let's hope she's feeling guilty now and will think twice next time! :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: sorry to hear about your nan, I hope she's better soon.

Your neighbour was out of order soaking the dogs, its not their fault they bark, thats what dogs do
I would have gone round there with a hose pipe and when she answered the door squirted the bloody thing in her face and then apologised and said "sorry i thought you were barking" :evil: Cheeky cow!!!! Hope your nan is ok. :hug:
xxsammyxx said:
I would have gone round there with a hose pipe and when she answered the door squirted the bloody thing in her face and then apologised and said "sorry i thought you were barking" :evil: Cheeky cow!!!! Hope your nan is ok. :hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: me too

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