gutted :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
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Well I was 5 and a half weeks when I had light brown discharge on mon, went to docs and preg test was negative, they took bloods and have just called to say they are only 26. Not low enough to be classed as not pregnant but still far too low. I knew yesterday when the dcotor said it was more than likely and I've had a few darker clots but no blood and nothing heavy. I know it was early but it still doesn't make it any easier. I just hope the bleeding starts sooner rather than later cos I can't stand the thought of it dragging on. She didn't mention having a scan or anything so I'm presuming I'll be just expected to pass it all. Sad days! X
Arghh hunni am so sorry, well my scan has now been cancelled cos they said they dont need to see me now because my levels are dropping fine, i asked about seeing the sac and everything as i was worked up she said to me that you wouldnt see a sac at this stage because so early, and will be like a period, and bleeding can stop and start as mine stopped yesterday but is back again today abit, ive got to do a pregnancy test at weekend to check its negative, if it is then thats fine, if not got to ring them but she said she thinks it will be back down, its absolutley devestating hun, i am so down today my friend text me saying shes 13 weeks pregnant not what i wanted to here! Arghhh! The epu said that to start trying again after a period but am gona start straight away i thinkx
I suppose its good that they don't want to do a scan, it sounds like you've passed it naturally then. I just want the bleeding to start instead of waiting around. So maybe a week or so of bleeding?
Im sorry for your loss honey! Xxx
Yeah good in a way se said even if they did scan me they would see anything because lost it so early so they wudnt see a sac or anything, i no how you feel hun last week the spotting drove me crazy i was etting so frustrated thinking i jyst want it to start then at least i no im passing it and will be over soon! Well ive been bleeding now 4days but yesterday was hardly anything, but im hoping it will stop soon but in total its been nearly 2 weeks of spotting and bleeding arghhh! Also i hate it cos been wearing a pad sorry tmi but i never wear pads there so unconfortable i hate them! I do hope your ok hun, last week i was a mess, this week ive started to accept it abit and am just trying think about trying again but its so hardx
Know what you mean I always use tampons so not looking forward to that. Just using pantyliners but there isn't anything there, there hasn't been all day. Getting frustrated! Just sat an exam this morning and I don't know how I got through it, I nearly didn't go but I can't let it do that to me after working so hard for it but I couldn't concentrate at all. Never mind hopefully next time everything will work out for the best. Good luck for trying I'm sure it'll be ok next time x
Ahh well i hope you pass ya exam, and i hope you start bleeding soon rather than spotting, fingers crossed we both get a good bean next time hun take care of yourselfxx
I'm so sorry for your loss! And hope that it doesn't go on too long for you

Big hugs xxx
Sending my love I know how hard it is. Keep strong :) xx
sorry to hear your loss, it's a very hard thing to go through - I hope it doesn't drag on too long and you can get your cycle back and ttc again if that is what you feel is right.

Take care
So sorry for ur loss does not matter how far u are a loss is a loss big hugs xxxx
Really sorry to hear your sad news. I hope the bleeding stops soon. My EPU told me to get in touch if I still had a bfp 3 weeks after the miscarriage although I had to have a medical management as nothing was moving. It is also possible to get an infection which could prolong the bleeding. After a course of antibiotics my bleeding finally stopped. Give your EPU a ring. Mine were very helpful. xxx
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Well I woke up this morning to a lot of blood, I've had a lot all day not stopping at all really, very very heavy. I'm presuming this is normal? Hopefully it won't go on for too long. I think a pregnancy test would show negative as it done so on tues at the docs and my levels were only 26 so they must be right down by now. Its hard becsue I just keep wondering what I did to cause it. I picked my dog up to put in the bath on sat and afterwards I was wracked with guilt, maybe that could have done it :( still I can't beat myself up about it. Thanks again x
Thats normal hun mine was same i was sat on loo and would just come out off me , like a heavy period hope it doesnt last long for you, i did exactly the same hun thought what i did that could of caused it, i tidyed the spare room out that day getting ahead of myself, went the tip, n night before had been for a meal n was out late, n night before that went a wedding so thought i had over done it, but in all honesty i dont think its anything at all we did , i think it would of happened whatever so try not beat yourself up hunnixxx
Hey hun how you doing? Is it all over now? I hope so hope your doing okxx
I'm so sorry this has happened hun - keep talking it through on here with us, it will help X
Sorry I had to come off here for a little while, I'm ok. Had a few flip outs with the hubby which I've had to apologise for! Just lost my temper after letting it build up. But I'm ok thanks for asking xx

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