guilty about taking time off work


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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i know this is probably going to sound really stupid but im just wondering how many days off ill expectant mums have taken due to pregnancy? so far i have taken 6 days and i feel really guilty over it. i cant explain its just that i feel like i am letting my employer down or i am going to be seen by those i work with as taking the pi**. my boss hasnt been unsupportive of my pregnancy but i have quite a demanding job and its only me that does it (ie. if im not in the work doesnt get done). also i have only been in the job since April so they dont know how little time i would normally take off ill under normal circumstances. im 17 weeks. i took three days off two months ago because i had a cold and felt really run down after weeks of constant sickness. this week i went home on Monday cause i had really bad growing pains in my sromach and the midwife said work may not be the best place for me at the mo. i have taken her advice as she sent me to the docs to get checked out for appendicitis which really scared me and its made me take her advice more seriously. i suppose i am just looking for some reassurance from other expectant mums....

ps. also i have just come back from two weeks leave...
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Babe I have to think of yourself I have been off for 10 weeks with spd! :hug:

I don't get paid sick leave as I work for an agency but had to take a couple of days off with a pulled muscle in my back. You will be out of your probation period now and it's not as if you are ringing in with a hangover. Having employees not able to cover eachothers work is bad business management really and not your problem. Your health is far more important xxxxxxxx
You have to look after you & LO. My friend was signed off for months at the beginning as her nausea & sickness were that bad!

If I was working in this pregnancy I would have been signed off the whole first trimester as my nausea was that bad!

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people think. Your pregnant & cannot be expected to do everything! xx
yeah try not to feel guilty at all. I only had half a day of sick while ive been pregnant and that was before i knew i was pregnant i was throwing up at work so went home! but i have had so many days and half days off for like a million scans,blood tests and midwife appointments. I did feel guilty at first but you and baba are number one and dont feel guilty its not your boss paying your mat leave its the company. I am on mat leave now but towards the end i was working my apps so instead of just finishing an hour or two early i would have the ap at like 2pm cheeky i know but not physically worth going back to work after an app that time so would stay at home. :) hehehe

And i think the half days here and there did me the world of good when i had started to have sleepless nights and really bad sickness. And I stopped feeling guilty as I was even being sick at work and still carrying on so i gave them alot back in return too instead of stacking up my sicky days.

Just try and make the most out of it.
to be fair they have been getting a lot from me. even when i had really bad sickness for 6 weeks i didnt miss a day until at the end of it. part of it is that i dont have anyone to cover for me but i suppose that is more my bosses issue than mine.
I haven't taken any days off yet even though some days i literally think i'm going to either puke or fall asleep at my desk. I work as part of a really small team and i know how much it impacts the other when someone is off sick, especially if others have leave booked too. I will be taking my paid leave entitlement for appointments though obviously. To be honest, there have been some days where i really haven't felt like going in but i know if i do it once it will be easier to do it again and again and i don't want to get into that just yet. But then i'm only 8 weeks, i have a long long way to go yet!

You shouldn't feel guilty, if you feel bad you're not going to be able to focus and do your job properly anyway. Employers should understand this and even expect it when they know that people are pregnant. There are far worse people who take the p*** with hangovers, laziness etc. As long as you know you have a legitimate reason, don't worry what anyone else thinks and contact your HR dept if you're worried about any possible repercussions with pay etc. At the end of the day the health of you and your LO is the important thing right now.
ive had 13 days off sick. 3 cos of a bad cold right at the start and 10 cos of morning sickness when my boss basically said if im throwing up she dosent want me in so i had no say in it.
I feel exactly the same as you hun. We're so short staffed at the moment and I've had quite a few scares during my pregnancy (decreased movements, bleeding etc) so quite often I've had to call in last min. But like everyone has said, you've got genuine reason and yours and babys health is way more important. xx
I haven't had any days off since I started my job 2.5 years ago, but I do a lot of absence work and it really bugs me how some people think it's acceptable to phone in sick every other week! Not pregnant ladies, just the tradesmen that work for us in general lol.

BUT if you're unwell hun, you're unwell. If you're genuinely not fit for work, then you should be at home. Look after number one! :hug:

I've had days where I've been puke tastic and have gone in, but that's just me being a pleb! If I'm really unwell, I'd definitely phone in sick.

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I've had one day off and left early a few times (due to morning sickness) until yesterday when the Dr signed me off for a week.

I feel really bad for taking time off but have to think of myself and the baby.

I know how you feel..... I started my new job on 8th August, found out i was 7 weeks pregnant after being there for 3 weeks! At 8 weeks i was signed off till i hit the second trimester....

Part of me is absolutely mortified as I hate sickness absence, i hate the fact that this impression will more likely mean i do not pass my probation, but what can i do?!?!?!

I have apologised profusely to my employer but in reality it does not look good. If my baby makes it through and is here with me in 7 months then sod em!!!
ive been very lucky and havent had to take any time of for being ill, my work friend who had baby earlier in the year took quite a bit of time off due to passing out, spd and sickness, but you shouldnt feel guilty they cant have a go at you for it, hopefully now your in tri 2 things will settle down a bit.

but dont stress or you will make yourself worse x x x
I haven't had any time off, as I am on a contract each year, and I want them to take me back once the baby is born, but the contact is decided one month after the baby is born, so I really want to keep them happy. Next week I have a midwife and flu jab appointment after and I feel terrible that I wont be in for the morning.

But if you are sick, you are sick and baby is the most important thing in the world, in the end we are each a number at work and everyone can be replaced, so family is the main thing.

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