Grrrrr just having a rant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2012
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Grrrr.... Just when I was starting to feel better someone at work really upset / peed me off. After my erpc I took a week off work as dr signed me off. Went back last week after the bank holiday and thankfully the office busy body was off, however on Tuesday she was back. Everyone at work has been fine about me being off, not asking why just asking if I'm better (I've told a few who I'm closer too). However busy body wanted to know why... I told her I just felt poorly and run down and was signed off. Her response 'was it morning sickness?' I replied no, she proceeded to ask me 3 more times if it was morning sickness!!! I was so upset and annoyed. I told her once it wasn't so why keep asking. I've since found out whilst I was off she was shouting across the office, 'is she pregnant, I bet she's pregnant'!!!

Sorry to rant it just really upset me and is not what I need at the moment!!!
Horrible stupid woman! You did better than me, I would of told her exactly why I was off and humiliated her....some people! Hope ur ok hun big hugs :( these people are unavoidable unfortunately xx
OMG, how you refrained from smacking her in the mouth is beyond me.

I am so sorry for your loss hon, that is the last thing that you need. I personally would tell her to mind her own business and leave you alone.

Take your time to grieve and take care of yourself hon, my thoughts are with you xx
I did think about telling her but knowing what she's like she'd have gone round the office saying that she'd said something wrong and upset me! Could have smacked her in the mouth and blamed my emotional instability!!

Thanks for the support ladies, nice to know you see it from my point of view and dont think I'm just being overly sensitive.

I am godsmacked! I truly am....

Some people are just beyond words.

Sadly she sounds like the sort of person that wouldn't even feel that bad if you told her the real reason.

If she persists I'd get someone senior to have a word with her, she simply shouldn't be allowed to behave like that.

Oh my goodness, some people!!!
I agree with the other ladies, you have great self control to not have said anything back to her!
I hope you are recovering well from your ERPC. I just had mine today and i think the physical recovery will be quicker than the emotional. I hope that depite this silly woman you have plenty of other more understanding people around you to offer support at this difficult time xx
Thanks everyone. People I have spoken to have been fab, had a good moan about her to them too!

Alibaby - sorry for your loss. Take it easy over the next few days, I think I did too much too soon as I felt ok but paid for it 3-4 days after! Bleed a lot and had v bad cramps. Read that this can happen more if you don't rest!
Hi Becky, i'm so sorry for your loss. Some people can be so insensitive, I think I would have hit her!! I returned to work 2 weeks after my D&C in July. Physically I felt a lot better after a few days but it took a lot longer emotionally to start feeling ok again.
I asked one of my friends at work to tell people why I had been off as I didn't want any awkward questions. Unfortunately, there was one woman who is notorious for being insensitive and saying the wrong thing - she didn't know and I bumped into her the minute I walked into the building. She commented on me being off for a long time and then kept asking me where I had been. I just snapped at her that I had been ill. Obviously someone told her later and for several days afterwards she was really off with me. I didn't want her gushing with sympathy or anything, but if she had just acknowledged what had happened I would have been ok. I avoided her as much as I could and she eventually caught up with me and made a huge issue about saying hello to me! xxx

Alibaby, I am so sorry to hear about your loss too xxx
As everyone has said, I don't think I could've stayed so calm!
How damn rude! If someone has time off work for personal reasons, it means it's personal!!
Some people can be so insensitive.

Hope you're starting to feel better :)
What a horrible little busy body, so nasty.

Hope you're okay hun, I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

Thanks all :) Her latest is to tell me i'm not getting any younger so need to start popping them out soon!!! Someone restrain me please!!!
Very loudly and in front of all your colleagues you should announce to her that "my personal life is really none of your business and it would please me greatly if you could keep your nose out of my affairs, as I find your comments not remotely useful in the slightest." You're not being rude or nasty but it will really show her up!
Stupid bloody woman! Why doesn't she just keep her nosy beak out!!
I wish she would! By her own admission she's nosy, well she can nose in someone else's business not mine :)
I don't know how you haven't smacked her in the face right now!!


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