Grr, im in pain and its all of a sudden!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I have been posting on the forum for half hour, walked around, took some painkillers etc, had some lunch, had a drink..

Anyway i have been getting pains and my tummy is going hard, like contractions, When im sat and i lean over i get shooting pains as well..
What is this, I must admit im a little worried as i went in to labour with my 2nd baby at 23 weeks, but the pains are nothing like i had before, The pains are unbearable when i have them, in half hour i have had about 6 so far..

Very anxiuos.. :oops:
try not to worry hun but i would call nhs direct or your midwife just to be on the safe side maybe you have an infection
I have no idea whats causing that - call the midwife, please! xx
hi hun sorry cant help but i would definately recommend calling midwife or nhs direct to make sure everythin is ok xxxx
ive taken this from anotehr forum not sure if she goes here but if she does she may reveil herself lol

this is what she said :)

Braxton hicks start very early (like 6 weeks) but we don't start feeling them until about now. That on top of the nprmal stretching pains our fast growing beans are causing do make for some tender uterine and abdominal muscles.

Having gone through what you're going through many times I would suggest that you lie down with a big glass of water and relax, while you await the call from your MW. If the contractions stop it was probably over-activity or dehyration that either caused them or made the BH worse.

Braxton hicks are basically practice contractions your uterus does. Braxton Hicks do not cause any kind of change to your cervix or anything else related to labor...if that's happening they are not BH they are real contractions.

In addition to braxton hicks not causing change and real contractions do. The difference between braxton hicks and "real" labor contractions is that real labor contractions get long, stronger and closert together and they do NOT go away when you change your position or change your activity level.

not sure if it helps u or not as u have had a baby before and know what u experiencing.Those apins u getting u not maybe its ready to come out again early :O

is your 1st child ok then after being born premature?
Hope you are okay, thinking of you and sending big :hug: :hug: :hug: .
Hi girls, many thanks for all your replys, i phoned my midwife and yet to still hear back from her,

Pains seem to have calmed down although they are still coming, not as often, Had a bath i think that worked..
Im so scared i dont want this baby yet, its not ready :shock:

ENN, yes bradley is fine huni, i have a post in prem babies section with pics when he was born etc.. and what happened..

Will let you know when my pain finally stops!

aww hun take it easy . I hope your LO stays put for a while longer yet.
That mw better phone you soon

yeah she better, its doing my head in, after what happened last time i would have thought they would have me in.. what if i am in labour lol, at least if they rung back at a suitable time they could stop it, but its been hours now :wall: oh well they think they no it all, so we shall see what she says when and IF she rings back!
oh hun. i hope you hear from her soon. how worrying for you.

try to relax as much as you can. if they dnt get back to you, ring them again.
I have given up hope of them ringing me now, its 11pm and still no phone call..

Pains have subsided almost although getting the odd few still... :(

Going to bed in a mo, if i still have them tommorrow then i will be going mad at the midwife and i will just turn up and demand to be seen cos i shouldnt have pains that last this long surly!
deffinately demand to see someone in the morning. you need to be checked over.

if the pains get worse, go to a&e.

go give your mw some sh.t, they shouldnt have left you especially given your experiences from the first time round. hope you get to see someone competent and it puts your mind at rest. let us know when youve been :hug: :hug:
Really hope someone has got back to you by now, if not that is so out of order!! :evil:

Fingers crossed they have stopped now :hug:
no one had got back to me so i took myself up to hopsital where they saw me..

Informed it was a water infection given some antiboitics watched for a few hours then let home.. :cheer:

Glad its over tbh
Sorry I missed all your posts last night. I was offline.
But I'm glad to read you finally got to see someone and it's been diagnosed as a water infection. I hope the anti-biotics do the trick :)
im feeling so much better now, pain is wearing off thank god...

gosh i hope i dont get any more but i know its more commen in later pregnancy as well...

infections stay away from me hehehe

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