Worth A Read!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hi ladies,

My colleague has lent me her "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and it is fantastic!

Any question that I have, the answers are there in black and white. They take quotations from real women and no question is left unanswered.

Whilst IMO this forum genuinely has answered my prayers as far as support is concerned (thatnks girlies :D), the book is just an extra brill read with loads of facts and has been written by a new mum with the help of doctors etc...

They have a webpage too in case you want to ask questions and experts answer you but don't want to break any rules so won't post the link (just in case!!)

On Amazon.com it's about £8.99.

Has anyone else read this? If so, what did you think?

I've got it too hun it's ace!!! If there's anything I need to look up, it's there and is very reassuring :D
I haven't actually read that one but have read the follow-ups, "What to Expect - The First Year" and "What to Expect - The Toddler Years". In fact they were my bible for my first baby and helped so much with useful advice on all sorts of things from nappy rash, weaning, sleeping routines, discipline, potty training etc... I'm not saying I agree with everything in there, but it certainly helped me make informed decisions about some stuff. So I'm sure the expecting book is just as helpful. It's nice to have some sort of reference in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep but you need urgent advice!! I still pick them up sometimes now when I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall with my son, plus they have got really useful tips about baby first aid and CPR which is always handy to have at arms reach, just in case.
This is the book I have too. It's great for any niggles and questions etc. I would reccomend it to people.

I've heard brilliant things about 'What to expect in the firt year' as Lisa said. I think I'll be getting that too.

Alex xxx
I bought that book off Amazon a couple of weeks ago and I think it's really good. I'd recommend it too!
When you said you had this book in my last post i looked on the web and found Waterstones selling it for £8.99 and free delivery so ordered it before i went on hols. Got back tonight and its ready and waiting for me to read.
I have it too. It's really good, the only gripe I have is that because it is categorised by month rather than topic (symptoms, diet, exercise, aches and pains....) it can be hard to find things sometimes as you end up flicking through lots of it.

My main book is the Pregnancy Bible and it's really good too. I find it easier to use because it is by categories - if I don't feel great it's easy to look see if what is wrong with me is a common pregnancy complaint. When baby was diagnosed with renal pelvis dilation it was easy to look it up. Also I have loved looking at the next stage of development each weekend as I move up a week - a detailed description of each week's development with pictures - often 3d ultrasound - for each week. I could survive without What to Expect... but just try takin my Pregnancy Bible away! :D My gripe for this one is that it's so big and heavy it's hard to read in bed and once when I dropped it it left a big scape in my arm :oops:

There's just no pleasing some people :rotfl:

Oh, I've also got Pregnancy for Dummies and it's OK if you get it from someone else (like I did) but your money would be better spent on other books.
Hey ladies,

Had a look through the forum rules and I think I can post this...

I use a great website called greenmetropolis.com where you can buy and sell second hand books. I get rid of all my old books here and always check here first if someone recommends a book as they can be sooo expensive brand new!
What a brilliant idea! I'm signed up to green metropolis and I hadn't thought of it at all :wall: Thanks for telling us :D
i work in borders and when i was pregnant with my youngest i was always flicking through the pregnancy books and getting info on where i was in pregnancy!

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