Grammer / Grammar !!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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OK - so since I've been pregnant (mainly 2nd tri though) I have been getting really annoyed with peoples grammer :oops:

Little things like a letter coming through the post with an apostrophe in the wrong place or people in a shop saying "I would OF" instead of I would HAVE" gets me so mad and my husband has to stop me from correcting them!

It's not like I am an English teacher or anything or even have any decent English qualifications, it is just really getting to me! Plus most of the mistakes that annoy me, I do myself (and probably have in this post :lol: )

So what annoys you when people speak or write? And does anyone have any chill pills for Monster Munch?? :rotfl:
I hate it when people use txt talk on here its so di9fficult to understand, although i maybe one of those who has bad grammer sorry :oops:
O that also annoys me - but mainly because I don't understand it!

And don't apologise hun - I'm one of the worst offenders :hug:
i know what you mean. I can't stand people saying 'me thinks' its 'I think!!' Where has this come from!
Ye lyk i so totaly agre, itz so hard 2 understan in it chik
I hate apostrophes in the wrong place

Also "would OF"


(But I'm no grammar expert myself :shhh: .)

Nice one littlelady :D

I hate text talk in forums too.

I've always had a thing for grammar and spelling, which is why alot of clubs I've belonged to who had newsletters and stuff, would ask me to proof-read them.

What is very annoying to me though is that although I can write perfectly okay, I seem to have a typing dyslexia so the letters sometimes get jumbled in words that I really know how to spell :lol:
Apostrophes in the wrong place, american spellings and words used by people in England (american people are forgiven lol), and there/their/they're being used wrong. What's really annoying is when I was pregnant, I kept getting the there one wrong and it really irritated me as I'm usually pretty hot on grammar, I had to keep going back and editing my posts!
hotluck said:

Nice one littlelady :D

I hate text talk in forums too.

I've always had a thing for grammar and spelling, which is why alot of clubs I've belonged to who had newsletters and stuff, would ask me to proof-read them.

What is very annoying to me though is that although I can write perfectly okay, I seem to have a typing dyslexia so the letters sometimes get jumbled in words that I really know how to spell :lol:


I'm a dyslexic typist as well, only since having kids though!

Text speak is sooooooo annoying on forums, in Emails etc :x

Also, capital letters all over the place, I find it difficult to read. Maybe that's just me though :|

Otherwise I'm not really bothered by grammatical errors.
I'm the worst for common accents, but I really hate it when people say 'yella' instead of 'yellow' :x

Also my dad has just learnt to use the internet and has started to send me emails for some reason he thinks that grammar and punctuation no longer exist when writing an email so he just sends me long paragraghs of text just like this it makes me so mad and I find it annoying to read!
As a teacher, spelling & grammar mistakes jump out at me! lol! I need a virtual red pen! :rotfl:
I know a girl who says gived instead of gave and teached instead of taught :x

And she's works at the school ffs, you think she'd know how to speak wouldn't you? :rotfl:
It drives me mad when people say "Haich" instead of "aich" for H! Oh!!! and instead of "his", people write "he's" which is "he is". The whole apostrophe thing annoys me too. When I taught in Milton Keynes the children would drop the t in forty, city etc. Another one is "I done my homework..." not "I have done my homework" or "I did my homework"...I wont go! :roll:

BAAAAAD post MM! I could go on all day! lol!
The phrase...

"I writ it down"... or "I writ it on a bit of paper"

Where does that come from :roll: I can't help but correct people when they say that. I hate having to translate for people like that.

Then Brits with bad grammar getting annoyed at Spaniards (in Spain :shock: ) because they don't understand "propa" English. :roll: when what they speak is some garbled mish-mash of the language with a heavy accent.

Also Fink.. instead of think... Propa instead of proper... well the list is kinda endless there.. :roll:

If you're going to speak only one language fluently in your lifetime, why not learn to speak it properly? :? My Spanish grammar is atrocious.. but I've only ever had a handful of basic Spanish lessons in my whole life, and all my Spanish has been picked up through work and chatting with people... I've had no formal qualifications in the language. But if you been educated in Britain, have English qualifications, live and work there all your life, there's really no excuse for bad grammar... :? And dyslexia shouldn't affect the way you speak, only how you write.

Text language only irritates me on forums, theres a reason to use them on a phone. But capital letters everywhere... or exceptionally long paragraphs drive me batty. I just don't bother reading the post. :rotfl:
Im another person who detests "text talk". It drives me insane, it always takes me ages to read a post if it is written in "text talk".
Im normally quite partucular about punctuation, spelling and grammar but since having Jake all that has completely gone out of the window :shock: I look over some of the things I have written and think OMG did I actually write that- everyone reading must think Im thick :rotfl:
natalie&jake said:
Im normally quite partucular about punctuation, spelling and grammar but since having Jake all that has completely gone out of the window :shock: I look over some of the things I have written and think OMG did I actually write that- everyone reading must think Im thick :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

it's not just me then!

I was always top of my class in English, and I've taught English as a foreign language, but I swear my brain is totally muckin fuddled since babies!
It's my typing that sucks sometimes, not my spelling, I go back weeks later and change my typos if I notice them.

My all time most annoying this is seeing "Tomato's" or "Potato's" in shops.
Unfortunatley i suffer from dyslelia and for this reason spelling has never been my good point. Sorry if this annoys people but some of us cant help it.

For some of us spelling and punctuation and grammer is something that we really struggle with, we all struggle with certain things so please give people a chance, for some of us its not a natural gift we have.

Words like brough and bought are very similar so are their, there, and they're and sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the meaning and where it should be used. Also with dyslexia if you are thinking of the correct word its not always the word that you write down.

Please bare with us

I personally am not offended by this (I graduated from University and have a damn good qualification so i know that i am better at other things )but other people might be offended by this so please be careful what you write as it could offend some people. Thank you :hug:

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