Grammer / Grammar !!

i am really bad with my grammer and most of you will no this
on forums i just hit the enter key alot as i have no idea where commas go or full stops
i have no english qualifications and stopped going to english lessons after the age of 13
my dad hates the way i right and have to put predictive txt on my phone when i text him or he doesnt understand me at all
sorry if i drive you insane but it will never change i cant learn how to do commas or full stops they just end up going in stupid places and end up being even more annoying!!
manda xx
It gets my back up when I hear people say "anythink" instead of "anything" or "somethink" instead of "something" :shakehead:
i spell tomato wrong sometimes sorry, i had b's in eniglish at school and im the worst speller ever :oops:
Must not.......comment on.....LL's....spelling...... :wink:
Dont you fink edukashon should be don gooderer...

:rotfl: sorry, couldn't resist.
Oh and that reminds me. There was a girl in my year at school who used to pick on a different girl each week. She was called Emaila and was built like a brick wall - very scary. She decided it was my turn one week and shouted acroos the playground to me - "Oi, your dead! Your D.. E.. D.. DEAD!!" I pmsl and shouted back "What are you going to do, spell me to death?".

I have no idea how I didn't get my head kicked in. In fact she didn't seem to understand what my point was.

My MIL mixes up learn and teach ALL the time, and DH does it sometimes too.

e.g. The teacher learnt our Emma some new things in school today.


My DH gets F and TH the wrong way round quite a lot. I don't mean that he says things like fink, but I mean he'll say 'fieth' instead of 'thief'.

I can't stand it when people write 'congradulations'. Why is it that so many people cannot spell such an ordinary word?! The mind boggles.

Other pet hates:

apostrophes in wrong places
'to' used in sentences where 'too' ought to be
Mixing up 'they're', 'there', and 'their'
Mixing up 'your' and 'you're'

There is actually one grammar problem I have myself...but right now I can't bloody remember what it is lmao! It'll come back to me.
Xena said:
My MIL mixes up learn and teach ALL the time, and DH does it sometimes too.

e.g. The teacher learnt our Emma some new things in school today.


My sister gets lend and borrow mixed up. She asks if I can borrow her something :roll: I always correct her
It drives me mad when people say/spell babes with a "Z" at the end...
Babez... God it's anoying.
Here's a few:
Wuup - What you up to? :twisted:
u k - You okay?
And although when people think that "wuv yew" is cute.. Yeah it may be a little cute but god it gets so anoying.!
Is it just me on this one?
But again the thing about grammar that most makes me angry is when people use a "Z" instead of a "S" at the end of words. Arghhhh.
have to say..despite being a teacher, when i'm on this forum i just type for speed...i never bother to use appropriate punctuation because, to be fair, i'm sick of blaady marking it all day!!!
Oh, i also have a habit of typing blaady because 1) thats how i say it and 2) it's slightly less offensive and it hopefully won't get filtered???
Anyway me gona skeedaddle know, so dont bee finking that me sum ficko or nowt. areeeetttt???? :rotfl:
Xena said:
My DH gets F and TH the wrong way round quite a lot. I don't mean that he says things like fink, but I mean he'll say 'fieth' instead of 'thief'.

I do the exact same thing!
The problem is the more I think about it the worse I get. I'll say thief in my head, then go 'no, that's wrong' and correct it to fieth! :doh:

I don't know why I do that. I have some hearing problems which my husband thinks is the reason why as I tend to lip read alot - but 'F' and 'TH' look very different when lipreading so surely I should have no problem!

So glad I'm not the only one though. Your husband and I must set up a support group Xena :D
i'm lazy.... never use capitals where i'm meant to! <<<---- see!!
i'm quite good at spelling but if i notice a mistake later on, i don't usually go back and edit it.

but... i hate;


it sounds like a baby learning to talk :lol:
tots hope said:
Unfortunatley i suffer from dyslelia and for this reason spelling has never been my good point. Sorry if this annoys people but some of us cant help it.

For some of us spelling and punctuation and grammer is something that we really struggle with, we all struggle with certain things so please give people a chance, for some of us its not a natural gift we have.

Words like brough and bought are very similar so are their, there, and they're and sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the meaning and where it should be used. Also with dyslexia if you are thinking of the correct word its not always the word that you write down.

Please bare with us

I personally am not offended by this (I graduated from University and have a damn good qualification so i know that i am better at other things )but other people might be offended by this so please be careful what you write as it could offend some people. Thank you :hug:

I have no problems with spelling mistakes - hell, my posts are littered with them.
It's mainly when people are speaking that really gets me, especially when it's through laziness (sp?!) and not through lack of knowledge. Text speak confuses me - I don't understand the abbreviations :lol:
I wasn't meaning to sound stroppy - just thought i should say that this topic might offend some people.

Don't worry monster_munch we are still friends!!!! :hug:
Maybe I don't want to be friends :shakehead:

Maybe I want a fight.
Come on - put 'em up. I'll take you on :lol:
Cant be doing with fighting - will a hug do? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Tough one is coming your way anyway!
tots hope said:
I wasn't meaning to sound stroppy - just thought i should say that this topic might offend some people.

Don't worry monster_munch we are still friends!!!! :hug:

You weren't being stroppy. You made a very valid point.

That's why I try not to let peoples spelling and grammar mistakes on forums (or should that be fora :wink: ) annoy me, as long as I can understand what they mean to say.

Speaking is a different matter though, and I do relate to Monster Munch's point.

Sometimes I feel I need a translator these days.........I must be getting old :oops:
apologies to all the people i annoy with my "txt spk"! (see how careful i was there to put "to" instead of "2"!)

i hav 2 english A levels would you believe!
I am a really lazy typer, just sometimes I go back and correct and other times I just can't be arsed! Some things that annoy me though -

jamp instead of jumped, all the kids in my class used to say it - I jamp off the swing etc!! I was forever correcting them!!

Loose instead of lose, I always read it is loose and then get all confused!

I always think dove is a word though - I dove into the pool!! I have no idea why I do it, and me a teacher!!

Also in response to someone earlier on in the thread I think methinks comes from Shakespere?!

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